الاثنين، 23 يناير 2012

Self in regulation through private speech

Self in Regulation through Private Speech

Initially in life we all learned by the use of private speech. This is essentially the method whereby we think aloud and say what we are thinking. This is done to show or knowledge or even to influence us to get it right. It is especially common to see the use of private speech in children. They are able to unselfconsciously use this to their advantage as a method of learning and self-regulation.

Many a time, I am sure we have heard children sound out words, express ideas and do this with no particular audience. We all use this as we develop and also when we are corrected we practice by the use of private speech until we can get it right. This is a way that we learn and regulate ourselves to conform to the models that are around us such as family and friends. Today, it is a well-known fact that thinking aloud, otherwise known as private speech is crucial in the early learning process.

It is another fact that as we age and mature that the use of private speech is internalized and this shifts more towards interaction and communication with others. We will all however have times when the need to engage in private speech or thinking aloud surfaces. This will mostly occur in circumstances such as when we are faced with the unfamiliar or even when we are faced with demanding circumstances. Private speech grounds us and enables us to regulate ourselves and focus on overcoming the obstacles and getting new skills.

In our later lives we will tend to only use phrases and incomplete sentences in thinking aloud and this will be focused mainly on the items that have us confused or that are challenging. We tend to leave out the items that we are familiar with and concentrate on the unknown. The use of the private speech wills self regulate us and eventually when we are confident of our performance or comprehend the task properly we are able to decrease the usage of private speech.

We all tend to apply the use of private speech in circumstances such as when we are planning or monitoring and we are able to guide ourselves through the challenges in the process and manage and control our reactions and behavior. We are less prone to erratic thought and are able to vent to ourselves and verbalize our feelings as well. This helps in the process of self-regulation and aids us in conquering the circumstances that we are facing.

When we use private speech it is able to engage our brain on more levels and we are able to retain more of a situation and make connections that aid us through the situation as well. Talking through a process can always help whether through private speech or with another person. This style of learning is very beneficial and effective and we are able to use multiple senses to learn and self regulate ourselves.

Private speech is indeed a valuable tool for us all but many times we become self-conscious when we use it. It is important that we are comfortable with the use of private speech and that we are not embarrassed by it as this can mean that we are hesitant to use it even though it can help us work through difficult circumstances. Private speech is a great learning and self-regulating tool that has immense benefits when applied to situations. Go online to learn other ways to challenge your private speech abilities. Consider self-talk and subliminal learning, which the two go hand-in-hand when it comes to self-development.




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