الثلاثاء، 23 فبراير 2010

The principles of scientific cooking.

The Principles of Scientific Cooking.


Cooking of any recipe is an art and a science in it's own right. This article briefly outlines and discusses the 6 major ways you can cook food, and the 'science' behind them.

cooking,recipe,healthy food,healthy recipes,good food,healthy eating,recipes,cookery

Proper cookery renders good food material more digestible. When scientifically done, cooking changes each of the food elements, with the exception of fats, in much the same manner as do the digestive juices, and at the same time it breaks up the food by dissolving the soluble portions, so that its elements are more readily acted upon by the digestive fluids. Cookery, however, often fails to attain the desired end; and the best material is rendered useless and unwholesome by a improper preparation.

It is rare to find a table, some portion of the food upon which is not rendered unwholesome either by improper preparatory treatment, or by the addition of some deleterious substance. This is doubtless due to the fact that the preparation of food being such a commonplace matter, its important relations to health, mind, and body have been overlooked, and it has been regarded as a menial service which might be undertaken with little or no preparation, and without attention to matters other than those which relate to the pleasure of the eye and the palate. With taste only as a criterion, it is so easy to disguise the results of careless and improper cookery of food by the use of flavors and condiments, as well as to palm off upon the digestive organs all sorts of inferior material, that poor cookery has come to be the rule rather than the exception.

Methods of cooking.
Cookery is the art of preparing food for the table by dressing, or by the application of heat in some manner. A proper source of heat having been secured, the next step is to apply it to the food in some manner. The principal methods commonly employed are roasting, broiling, baking, boiling, stewing, simmering, steaming, and frying.

Roasting is cooking food in its own juices before an open fire. Broiling, or grilling, is cooking by radiant heat. This method is only adapted to thin pieces of food with a considerable amount of surface. Larger and more compact foods should be roasted or baked. Roasting and broiling are allied in principle. In both, the work is chiefly done by the radiation of heat directly upon the surface of the food, although some heat is communicated by the hot air surrounding the food. The intense heat applied to the food soon sears its outer surfaces, and thus prevents the escape of its juices. If care be taken frequently to turn the food so that its entire surface will be thus acted upon, the interior of the mass is cooked by its own juices.

Baking is the cooking of food by dry heat in a closed oven. Only foods containing a considerable degree of moisture are adapted for cooking by this method. The hot, dry air which fills the oven is always thirsting for moisture, and will take from every moist substance to which it has access a quantity of water proportionate to its degree of heat. Foods containing but a small amount of moisture, unless protected in some manner from the action of the heated air, or in some way supplied with moisture during the cooking process, come from the oven dry, hard, and unpalatable.

Boiling is the cooking of food in a boiling liquid. Water is the usual medium employed for this purpose. When water is heated, as its temperature is increased, minute bubbles of air which have been dissolved by it are given off. As the temperature rises, bubbles of steam will begin to form at the bottom of the vessel. At first these will be condensed as they rise into the cooler water above, causing a simmering sound; but as the heat increases, the bubbles will rise higher and higher before collapsing, and in a short time will pass entirely through the water, escaping from its surface, causing more or less agitation, according to the rapidity with which they are formed. Water boils when the bubbles thus rise to the surface, and steam is thrown off. The mechanical action of the water is increased by rapid bubbling, but not the heat; and to boil anything violently does not expedite the cooking process, save that by the mechanical action of the water the food is broken into smaller pieces, which are for this

The liquids mostly employed in the cooking of foods are water and milk. Water is best suited for the cooking of most foods, but for such farinaceous foods as rice, macaroni, and farina, milk, or at least part milk, is preferable, as it adds to their nutritive value. In using milk for cooking purposes, it should be remembered that being more dense than water, when heated, less steam escapes, and consequently it boils sooner than does water. Then, too, milk being more dense, when it is used alone for cooking, a little larger quantity of fluid will be required than when water is used.

Steaming, as its name implies, is the cooking of food by the use of steam. There are several ways of steaming, the most common of which is by placing the food in a perforated dish over a vessel of boiling water. For foods not needing the solvent powers of water, or which already contain a large amount of moisture, this method is preferable to boiling. Another form of cooking, which is usually termed steaming, is that of placing the food, with or without water, as needed, in a closed vessel which is placed inside another vessel containing boiling water. Such an apparatus is termed a double boiler. Food cooked in its own juices in a covered dish in a hot oven, is sometimes spoken of as being steamed or smothered.

Stewing is the prolonged cooking of food in a small quantity of liquid, the temperature of which is just below the boiling point. Stewing should not be confounded with simmering, which is slow, steady boiling. The proper temperature for stewing is most easily secured by the use of the double boiler. The water in the outer vessel boils, while that in the inner vessel does not, being kept a little below the temperature of the water from which its heat is obtained, by the constant evaporation at a temperature a little below the boiling point.

Frying, which is the cooking of food in hot fat, is a method not to be recommended Unlike all the other food elements, fat is rendered less digestible by cooking. Doubtless it is for this reason that nature has provided those foods which require the most prolonged cooking to fit them for use with only a small proportion of fat, and it would seem to indicate that any food to be subjected to a high degree of heat should not be mixed and compounded largely of fats.


Make Your Favorite Restaurant Dishes At Home

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The principle law of online moneymaking ventures

The Principle Law Of Online Moneymaking Ventures

There are two ways to earn money in the real world. Either you will work for a boss, or be your own boss.

Working for a boss entails employment of some nature, in an establishment that has some need for the services you could provide. Being your own boss entails having your own business and facilitating the production of some goods or the distribution of some services.

Either way, youll earn your keep (or at least, you should). Its the basic law of making money, ...



There are two ways to earn money in the real world. Either you will work for a boss, or be your own boss.

Working for a boss entails employment of some nature, in an establishment that has some need for the services you could provide. Being your own boss entails having your own business and facilitating the production of some goods or the distribution of some services.

Either way, youll earn your keep (or at least, you should). Its the basic law of making money, you have to give or render something to receive something in return.

When it comes to making money online, its the same principle at work. You have to give or render something to receive something in return.

And yes, you could work for a boss, or you could be your own boss. The opportunities are there in the World Wide Web. The choice is yours.

The first question in your mind, most probably, is this: could I really earn a living online?

The answer to that question is an emphatic yes! But let me explain, dear friend. I am not referring to some ordinary opportunities that would reward you with measly earnings that wont even be enough to purchase a bus ticket to the zoo. Oh, most definitely not.

I am talking about REAL opportunities that would help you earn REAL money in the World Wide Web. The things you will learn in this series of email lessons would make you realize that the virtual world is just as profitable, if not more lucrative, than offline ventures.

Based on my experience, it is more profitable to have your own business on the internet. Case in point: I personally know 34 people who live comfortable lives by working for someone else via the communication channels that the internet has made possible, but I also personally know around 200 people who have made it big online without having to work as much as those who have decided to render their services for hire. By big, I mean big time big! Im talking about a yearly gross in the high six digits, if not over the magical 7 digit barrier! And Im just talking about the people I personally know, people I have befriended and people I have mentored at some point. What more the people outside my circle, right?

But first, we must cover the basics.

Tell me, whats the common thing that can be observed in any business?

The answer, of course, is that you have to sell something. What you will be able to sell would be your bread and butter. It will be the source of your profits. You cant earn if you cant offer anything for a particular market.

You may offer them some goods or some services which they would need or want. This is related to the driving principle of the commercial world: the law of supply in demand. This principle is quite easy to understand. The lower the supply, the higher the demand.

This is the lesson I want you to learn: you cant make money from the real world without delivering something, be it some goods or some services. And you cant make money from the internet without delivering something as well. Its the basic business model at work.

Using what we have discussed so far as basis, we could formulate an outline for your online business plan, one which would allow you to cover the basic concepts and advance to more complicated ones. Here are the things you have to learn, eventually:

  1.      How to find a profitable market.

  2.      The different types of products you could sell.

  3.      How to create your own information product.

  4.      How to create unconventional products that can be digitally delivered.

  5.      How to come up with products without having to go through the process of creation.

  6.      How to build your own digital store.

  7.      The basics of search engine optimization.

  8.      The basics of article marketing.

  9.      The basics of forum marketing.

  10.      How to make a blog work for your business.

  11.      How to price your product.

  12.      How to employ novel packaging techniques to make your product highly sellable.

  13.      Cross-selling and back-selling items for sustainable profit.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that youd be able to earn an amount that might rival and even surpass what you earn from your day job. The Internet, after all, has always been a secret breeding ground for millionaires.

Master the basics we have enumerated above and you will be able to realize the extreme profitability an online moneymaking opportunity can truly offer.

NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-


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The princess diana hey wanna buy some pix

The Princess Diana: HEY, WANNA BUY SOME PIX?


Hollywood celebrities were cropping up so often on TV talk shows last week that you would have thought it was Oscar time. They were grieved, of course, over the tragic death of Princess Diana. But they were also eager to gripe about the paparazzi, whose aggressive tactics may have played a role in her death. Elizabeth Taylor called them murderers. Tom Cruise recounted how he and his wife Nicole Kidman had been chased by photographers through the very same Paris tunnel. Everyone from George Clooney to Whoopi Goldberg chimed in; boycotts were advocated; legislation proposed. Some stars reportedly even want to investigate the private lives of tabloid editors, to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Diana, Princess, Princess Diana, The Princess, The Princess Diana

Hollywood celebrities were cropping up so often on TV talk shows last week that you would have thought it was Oscar time. They were grieved, of course, over the tragic death of Princess Diana. But they were also eager to gripe about the paparazzi, whose aggressive tactics may have played a role in her death. Elizabeth Taylor called them murderers. Tom Cruise recounted how he and his wife Nicole Kidman had been chased by photographers through the very same Paris tunnel. Everyone from George Clooney to Whoopi Goldberg chimed in; boycotts were advocated; legislation proposed. Some stars reportedly even want to investigate the private lives of tabloid editors, to give them a taste of their own medicine.



There was a self-serving side to all this, of course. Hollywood stars would like nothing better than to cow the press into docility, thus clearing the way for nonstop coverage of their thriving careers, happy home lives and unflagging concern for the spotted owl. Yet in this instance, Hollywood perfectly tapped into the public mood. The week of mourning that followed Diana's death also saw an outpouring of revulsion at paparazzi tactics, prompting a fresh round of self-appraisal by publications that use their photos and, tacitly at least, condone their excesses.


Paparazzi--the celebrity photographers who trail stars looking for shots of them in unguarded moments--have been around for decades, dogging the tracks of people like Elizabeth Taylor and Jacqueline Onassis. But the game has grown increasingly fierce in recent years, as media outlets devoted to celebrities have proliferated, and new technology, such as digital photo transmission, has come into use. And lately, the absence of wars and other world crises (as well as skimpier budgets for covering foreign news) has forced many photojournalists to do celebrity work just to make a living.


There's big money to be made. Two weeks before Diana's death, the Globe tabloid ran eight pages of photos of her and Dodi Fayed on their vacation off the island of Sardinia, and boasted in a note to readers of paying $210,000 for them: "It was a big payday for photog Mario Brenna, who stands to make as much as $3 million worldwide." Lured by such sums, paparazzi are resorting to ever more aggressive tactics--sometimes even provoking confrontations with stars in order to catch their temper tantrums on film. "About a year ago there was a real increase in invasive kinds of pictures," says Valerie Virga, photo editor for the National Enquirer, "people really going over the edge to get the picture--climbing roofs, scaling buildings, super-super long lenses into people's backyards. We've turned down hundreds of pictures over the last year for that reason."


U.S. photographers blame their European counterparts for upping the ante. "They are ruthless," says Scott Downie, the owner of Celebrity Photo, an agency that covers official show-biz events. "Those who came here in the '80s laughed at us as babies: 'You don't know how to get a good photo. We're here to get them in a private moment, not in diamonds at an event.'" Yet every paparazzo is familiar with the pressures. "It's a collective hysteria," says Mark Saunders, who has covered Diana for the past five years. "It's the adrenaline flowing and that desperate need to get a photograph. I've seen [U.S. photographers] in action outside John Kennedy Jr.'s house. If America wants a tragedy on the same scale, just allow that to continue."


Saunders says Diana's death confirmed a decision he made six months ago--to get out of the paparazzi game altogether. But most other paparazzi, and the agencies that hire them and peddle their photos to magazines, were incommunicado or unrepentant last week. "I feel no responsibility, legal or moral," says Goksin Sipahioglu, director of the Paris-based Sipa agency. "Of course, I'm sad, because someone we all adored is dead. But when you become Princess Di, you are a public person." In a telling irony, several of the agencies representing photographers detained by French police after the accident would not release photos of them to the press. And some agencies supplying pictures of Dodi and Diana to magazines last week specifically asked that they not be given the usual credit line.


Yet editors of publications that rely on paparazzi are taking a fresh look at how far their intrusive tactics should be allowed to go. Shortly after the accident, Steve Coz, editor of the National Enquirer, publicly vowed not to buy any photos taken at the scene, while claiming that his tabloid had instituted a policy a year ago of not using so-called stalkerazzi pictures. (The Enquirer issue on the newsstands when Diana was killed, however, featured several candid shots of the princess with Fayed, trumpeted by the cover line DI GOES SEX-MAD. The issue was pulled by a number of newsstands after her death.) Dan Schwartz, editorial director of the more freewheeling Globe, also promised to toughen standards. "We're going to become more conservative about our assessment of what will offend people, because we have to," he said. "People's consciousness of what is paparazzi and what isn't has been raised."


Mainstream publications are hardly exempt from the debate. Dozens of publications, including TIME and Newsweek, used paparazzi shots to illustrate their stories on the tragedy last week. A news photo of Diana's two sons glimpsed inside a car after her death--a shot that could easily be regarded as intrusive--ran even in the sober New York Times. Though editors and publishers say clear-cut rules are hard to set, the tragedy has heightened their sensitivity to the issue. "You have to exercise judgment when you know competitive forces are going to exercise less judgment and less taste," says Mort Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News. In a letter to readers in this week's PEOPLE (published by Time Inc.), managing editor Carol Wallace writes that decisions on whether or not to use paparazzi photos are made "on a case-by-case basis, weighing the news value of a picture against a story subject's right to peace and privacy."


Such self-policing is unlikely to satisfy the paparazzi's sharpest critics. California legislators like Tom Hayden are planning to introduce legislation to curb paparazzi exploits, such as requiring photographers to maintain a certain distance from their subjects. Such laws, however, might have a tough time passing constitutional muster because of the threat they pose to freedom of the press. (Not to mention the freedom of any grandmother at Disney World to snap pictures of a famous person who passes by.) Legal experts point out, moreover, that most abuses can be dealt with by current criminal laws (against trespassing and assault, for example) or by civil lawsuits, as Jacqueline Onassis brought when she won injunctions against photographer Ron Galella.


Both legislation and self-regulation have been tried overseas, with mixed results. a french law enacted in 1970 allows the courts to punish press actions that are deemed an "assault on intimacy or privacy." Actress Isabelle Adjani used the law to win a judgment against the tabloid Voici in 1995 for running photos taken without her permission. Still, French paparazzi are widely perceived to be among the world's most brazen. In Britain, meanwhile, the Press Complaints Commission, established in 1991, has drawn up a code of practice to prevent invasive press tactics. Though hard to enforce, the rules have succeeded in removing at least some paparazzi shots from the raucous British tabloids.


The campaign against paparazzi has its dangers. Almost by definition, journalism involves some measure of intrusion--investigating matters that the subject would rather not be publicized. In covering Hollywood, moreover, journalists must battle a sophisticated armada of publicists, who seek to manage every jot and tittle of media coverage of their client. "The paparazzi have become more aggressive because celebrities and their publicists have got so controlling," says Steve Sands, a New York City-based celebrity photographer.


Nor are the stars above using the paparazzi for their own purposes. When the Kennedy family gathered for a family outing in Hyannis Port, Mass., two weeks ago, photographers snapped pictures of the happy clan playing touch football. Far from shooing away the nosy cameras, the family clearly welcomed the coverage as a chance to let the world see their togetherness in the wake of recent family troubles. Then there are the people who buy the newspapers and watch the TV shows that keep the paparazzi in business. These consumers of celebrity news got lectured last week by those same celebrities for not curbing their appetites. They may yet listen. But for now, they are too busy paying their last respects to the biggest celebrity of all.


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In web hosting, when you pay nothing, you often end up with nothing. You are trying to build a business, so you'd better be prepared to pay to keep the other business in business. Otherwise you may both soon be out of busine

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Get What You Pay For

Why bother paying for hosting when there are plenty of companies offering free hosting? Well, in web hosting, when you pay nothing, you often end up with nothing.

Most free web hosts offer limited services. Even though they are not charging you to host your website, they still need to make money. The most common way to do this to place advertising on your site. You probably will have no control over what kind of ads show up. You won't be consulted when those decisions are made.

Sometimes free hosts will place restrictions on the content you place on your site. For example, you may not be allowed to sell things or have certain types of content, such as videos or music. Worst of all, your web site could disappear overnight. New companies offering free hosting pop up almost everyday, but they also vanish with astonishing regularity. When your hosting company vanishes, your web site goes with it.

Do You Need A High-Priced Web Host?

You'll need to use a reliable web host if you are s


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The Pretty Woman Theory

Each initial contact we make with a prospective customer can make or break not only that sale, but potentially dozens more.

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Weve all seen it. Julia Roberts is shopping on Rodeo Drive. Shes dressed in her professional gear and gets that infamous attitude from the saleswomen. And of course, were all cheering when she stops back by the store in her newly purchased couture, arms laden with shopping bags and delivers my favorite line of all time. You work on commission right? Big mistake, huge!

We all love to watch that scene and feel like we identify with Julia. However, I am going to admit something here. I think that, whether were willing to admit it or not, all of us in sales have been guilty of this crime. I know this is extremely politically incorrect, but come on now. The minute we encounter a customer, we form some sort of split second judgment as to what kind of client they are.

The problem does not lie in that initial judgment (even though its most likely completely wrong!). The problem is born the minute we allow ourselves to act based on that initial opinion.

The single most powerful sales and marketing too


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The preschool learning difference

The Preschool Learning Difference

The preschool environment is designed to educate young children prior to the age of five when most children begin kindergarten. Preschool is an optional learning experience; some preschool programs are offered through the public school district, but in most cases preschool is offered privately either in a non-denominational setting or through a religious institution. Because preschool meets the needs of young children, preschool learning differs quite a bit from the learn...

Preschool Learning

The preschool environment is designed to educate young children prior to the age of five when most children begin kindergarten. Preschool is an optional learning experience; some preschool programs are offered through the public school district, but in most cases preschool is offered privately either in a non-denominational setting or through a religious institution. Because preschool meets the needs of young children, preschool learning differs quite a bit from the learning environment offered at the time of elementary school.

Research has shown that children of this age are especially conducive to learning; their brains are like sponges picking up concepts through the use of all of their senses. Such is the reason that preschool learning concepts are taught through play-based programs. It has been shown that preschool aged children learn best through play, absorbing fundamental lessons without being aware of anything but having fun.

Curriculum designed for preschool learning often incorporates core concepts into fun, tactile games; ball play promotes hand-eye coordination, physical games sharpen gross motor skills, card games practice memory retention, writing games hone fine motor skills, and books and storytelling further a love for reading and language. And all the while, children are also learning fundamental social lessons such as working together, respecting each other, and taking turns.

The modern preschool environment will also incorporate the use of computer games into the curriculum. Preschool learning of today can take place through the use of computer software that engages children through the use of color, sound, and interactive play.

Creative preschool teachers are crucial to successful preschool learning. It takes an inspired, resourceful individual to effectively deliver educational lessons in a way that interests and motivates small children. Holding the attention of students so small can sometimes be the most difficult accomplishment.

Most importantly, the goal of preschool learning is to foster a lifelong love of learning; children should leave the preschool experience with a feeling of accomplishment allowing them to move forward in their education with comfort and confidence.


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The ppc and adsense book.

The PPC and AdSense Book.


I have always seen having a good site out there in cyberspace as like having a piece of real estate. Its all about location, location, location with real estate and all about content, content and content in cyberspace. In cyberspace you can own a shop on the main high street and compete against the big boys, and win. Just like any shop, if you dress the window good, they will pour through the doors. And this is where Google's PPC AdSense comes in. Maybe they don't see what they want and click an AdSense PPC link that catches their eye. Or maybe they trawl through your pages to visit other things of interest and click an AdSense link that looks interesting. Or, if your site is really good, visitors will click other contextual affiliate links and you get a percentage of the sale value plus, they will keep returning and tell others. Each visit increases the odds of an AdSense click or sale. While on the high street you might expect a sal
There is no limit to the amount of cyber-property one can own, your only restriction is that imposed by the amount of hours one can physically work, so automating as much as possible is vital.
In a nutshell. An advertiser may have spent fortunes on developing a super site to sell their super product and promote it with Google AdWords. But if the content of your site is useful about that product, it could be your site, not theirs that will be top of the search engine pile. Your visitors see their advert on an AdSense link and wallah, you just made a sale. The advertiser is delighted with your referrals and bids higher to get more of their keywords on your site, which means you get more per click. That's the interactive beauty of Google AdSense.

Google, AdSense, PPC, click fraud, affiliate, SEO, IP

The line of contention between what is cheating Google and what is not is very similar to the law of tax evasion versa tax avoidance.
Whereas one will land you in a very deep pile of mud, the other can build you a palace of gold.
So it is with the mighty Google AdSense. Love it or hate it, it produced a staggering nine billion dollars last year!
AdSense is without doubt the most successful PPC advertising campaign undertaken in history. With such huge wealth available, the cheats and frauds are abound, lurking in every corner, devising ways of grabbing a little of the AdSense phenomena themselves. And they do. To the tune of around a billion dollars last year. Some are big operators running sophisticated software across servers with spoofed IP addresses, while further down the chain may be a group of students who get together to make a few extra dollars from their website.
You may have heard of the recent 'most stupid man of the century'. Who developed this undetectable clicking bot that would trawl away clicking Google ads all day long. It could have ruined Google if allowed out into the net. Can you imagine thousands, maybe millions of people clicking on adverts at 10cents a time, on your site every day? AdSense and the billions that go with it would have died overnight.
The guy could have kept quite and sat back in the land of luxury for the rest of his life taking out undetectable crumbs from a multi billion dollar cake. But what does he do? Offers or threatens Google to buy the programme for a $100k. When they said no, he tried to sell it on the Internet for $10k a copy. He lost everything when they arrested him. Good.

There are many out there even as you read this who are running some kind of PPC scam and thousands more who are dreaming of doing so. For those of you who are, you better be changing tactics on a daily basis, as Google do. For those thinking about it, let this be a guide to the pitfalls that await you. Don't do it.
For those thinking of building a successful future income out of AdSense legitimately. Still read on, this will be an eye opener for you and later, you will learn how to build that golden palace from AdSense. Or at least a nice little honest earner.

The PPC defence system.
Firstly, the most important weapon in the click fraud arsenal is the IP address. Everyone in the world connected to the net has one. Every time you visit a page, you leave a trace route. This is also the must powerful of marketing tools for PPC companies like Google. They use it to categorise visitors into geographic locations and can serve local information and adverts of interest. So it goes without saying that they automatically know the IP address of every single click on an AdSense ad. Hence, if you accidentally click on one of your own ads from the same IP address as registered with Google when the account was set up, you get flagged at Google. If it happens again you may get a warning or may even loose your account and all within.

By far the most of the average 10% loss in PPC comes from the smaller click frauds. A student gets lots of mates on different IP addresses to visit his site and click a few ads. If he is clever and they only click say two ads each time they visit and never twice in a day, the odds of detection are about zero. Especially if they emulate a real surfer and visit a few pages of the advertisers site. But that's not much at 10cents a click is it? These guys and gals are clever though. They use a well established site with high keyword value content. Like Loans for example. Some of these AdSense clicks are worth not 10cents but 10 DOLLARS each! There are some that hypothetically are worth $50 a click. But, irrespective of what Google may be charging the advertiser, they have a publisher cut off at around $15 maximum per single ad click. Now say there are twenty students all pals with each other and the site is a page rank 5 student site with $10 ads, then forty clicks each day is $400!! Now $20 day eac
Yes. For a little while anyway. But there is a huge flaw in their master PPC click fraud plan. As they are all buddies, they no doubt live in the same locality or general region. Suddenly there are these sites which according to Google's massive database, have no local geographic interest, yet getting tons of visitors from the same region. Google knows this as the main service provider, who every one ultimately channels through, has its own IP address on the net.
So yes the click fraud system works on a small level though will hardly make you rich from just a couple of clicks a day on your mates site.
Other reasons and a myth or two, that will catch out all but the most clever of the larger click cheats are.

There are rumours of Google using cookies on their AdSense PPC ads. As many have cookies set to off and others across the various browsers have there own settings, cookies would be a logistical nightmare that could provide very little accurate information. If I automatically know your exact IP and with that, your geographically physical address, why the heck would I need to use cookies to gather that info? And don't forget, they probably know not just the IP address, but MAC address of the modem and router at that IP. However, the advertiser the PPC link points to may use an identifier cookie and will soon know about you, if you keep clicking the link every five minutes.

The Google Empire strikes back:
With the ultimate power of Google Search, Google Desktop, Google Toolbar, GMail, Google Earth, Google Talk, Google Sitemaps, Blogger and so on and so on,,,,,. Google can identify the majority of users across the entire world and somewhere in those colossal databases humming away in air cooled oil, they know every single click from all those people. Every second of the day. Its the CIA's dream. So unless you can spoof IP's on a vast scale or somehow make it appear that millions of clicks are originating from unique IP's from geographically different locations. Your busted.
The only systems that have been successful in this area are, infection of computers with a trojan virus that sits quietly in the background automatically clicking a set of PPC ads served up by some software on a server or group of them.
Then there's the far east clickers. They will happily sit and blindly click on anything all day long for a dollar.
The sweat shops of China have been taken over by the clicking sweat shops. Sometimes hundreds of people on computers in one poorly ventilated room, all puffing away on cigarettes and spilling rice over the keyboard.
They click on PPC ads to order or play online community games gathering gold and selling it for hard cash in the real world.

At a dollar a day workers, there are fortunes to be made on the net by unscrupulous sweat shop bosses. From writing articles to adding page content, are some of the slightly more respectable ones. But any type of PPC opens an obvious channel for huge profiting. Banning IP's from certain locations effectively removed many of these click frauds. Though now there are new sweat shops springing up all over the place, not in the far east, but in Europe and even illegal immigrants in London working for 10 per day with only four hours sleep. Maybe a lot more than a dollar a day, but the market is an immense multi billion dollar one that is going to just keep on doubling and the rewards for underworld operations are increasing proportionally.

Then of course there are footprints or patterns of someone visiting your site. Why do they only visit the same home page and within a few seconds, click on all the PPC ads, then quickly exit the site. But they don't click ads on other sites they visit? That's a pretty easy to identify footprint. Lets see, this IP address has clicked on dozens of AdSense ads on one site belonging to one publisher. With a click through rate (CTR) rate approaching 100%. And don't forget, it is not only Google who will be looking at the clicks from your site, the advertiser has full access to all that info and excellent analysis software. That way they can effectively measure the cost effectiveness of their AdSense campaign. If they see hundreds of clicks each day from the same IP address and zero conversion to a sale, they will be shouting at Google, quite loudly if those clicks cost them dollars. Who will politely pull your plug. Forever!

I mentioned CTR above. This is something that so many click frauds ignore to their cost and downfall.
CTR is a simple calculation that divides the number of page impressions from your visitors by the number of Google ads that they click on.
If a site is very specific and vertical targeted, it may be quite normal to see unusually high clicks on Google ads. Say a site about Fender guitars has AdSense ads, then they will contain advertisers related to that sector and possibly 20% of visitors may click an ad. Google knows the specific nature of the site because its serving targeted PPC ads, targeted at those visitors. Therefore, rather than flag the site for possible click fraud due to abnormally high CTR, they do just the opposite, they serve higher value AdSense ads to that site because of the high CTR and vertical content. As a result, the site owner has possibly built a nice little extra income or even a golden palace from the AdSense revenue. But this is not the norm and most sites have a CTR of more like 3%.
So if your site about something of not too greater importance to the world wide web, ranked somewhere in the middle of millions of other pages and not even indexed by Google yet, has no back links and has a CTR of 50%, it will be immediately flagged and unless there's good reason, the jolly old plug is pulled again.
An average CTR of between 1% to 7% is normal and would not set off any warning bells. But if your mates are about the only ones visiting your site and each one clicks an ad each time, that's a 100% CTR!! You are nabbed and your plug is well and truly pulled.

So that just leaves the hard core of the more clever, but small time click frauds who consistently milk the system. They are virtually undetectable and extremely difficult to differentiate from genuine AdSense clicks. This forms the main 10% bulk and just like other industries, providing losses can be maintained at an acceptable 10%, everyone is happy. Credit cards are at around 12% and most traders use a 10%-15% loss adjustment these days. So despite all the hype you may have read about the death of PPC ads due to click fraud, plain business logistics say that beneath a certain value, the cost of further improvement is non conducive to the bottom line - profit.
Overall, advertisers are content with what they see as an acceptable loss in a tremendous growth area, brimming with benefits and profit. Due to Google's immense size and powerful analytic tools they are constantly developing, advertisers feel safe from big time click fraud and know they are entering a very profitable marketplace with Google AdSense and to a lesser degree, other PPC campaigns.

Click fraud is the equivalent of tax evasion in AdSense and you deserve to lose your account. However, there are other honest ways of picking up anywhere from a few crumbs to a nice slice of the AdSense cake. While the hardened old timers may call some of it a 'grey area', it is a legal and acceptable method of achieving great success. A little like the tax avoidance instead of evasion scenario. Instead of cheating the system, you work with it and explore its many 'grey' areas.
In this world the biggest rewards (and risks) are closer to that fine dividing line of correctness or legality. Accountants exploit it and global companies use it to amass great wealth. Take the classic case of Microsoft. There was poor Bill and his buddy all those years ago, sweating under the pressure of a contract with IBM using software they didn't have! If it had gone wrong and the miracle had not materialised, they would have been doing time for defrauding IBM. Ouch! But at the last hour they found a genius who had developed this magic DOS programme. They bought it for a poultry sum which not only saved their bacon, but made Bill the richest man in the world! Now that is what I call a close call though, look at the rewards. Shame it was the only Microsoft software that ever worked with stability, still its the only software they didn't write. LOL.

If you want to make real and honest money from AdSense or any PPC campaign, I hope the chapters to follow will be useful
Looking at the AdSense industry Guru's who make monthly AdSense cheques for thousands of dollars to the ones making a tiny few dollars, is the first thing to do. Knowing where they succeed or fail is the second. Putting that knowledge together with some good SEO work can give anyone a site sitting at the top of Google, ahead of millions of other pages.
Once there, all one has to do is duplicate the success with another site and so on. Within a year and an average amount of work and providing you are committed to making it work, you could be getting a steady income from AdSense of anywhere between $1000 to $10,000 dollars per month. The knock on effect of which is that apart from Google AdSense, you should by then be running promotions or other affiliate ad campaigns on those sites, which should produce ten times that of AdSense, if your audience is vertical enough. While AdSense may be an important part of your revenue, affiliate ads produce far greater single sale values. But watch out, wont be long before Google builds in house affiliate advertising of their own to compliment AdSense or, they will buy out someone like Commission Junction for example.

Within an industry that could hit outer space year after year, Internet advertising is about to be the biggest earner in the world and worth hundreds of billions each year, with no ceiling. The beauty about the whole concept of the Internet and thanks in most to the two brain child's behind Google, is that anyone can be what they want to be. There is no global Goliath versus little David. With some good input, David's site can rank higher, look better and be more appealing than Goliath's and invariably does. That means anyone who desires, can have a slice of this enormous cake, all it takes is common sense, a willingness to learn and a wish to make a serious income from the net. You may have to know programmes like Dreamweaver and PHP, but there is no rocket science involved.

Continuation of the 'PPC Book' can be found at the authors .com site KeywordAccess. Along with articles about PPC, white black and grey sites, keywords and other interesting stuff and of course, free access to over 15 million keywords and phrases to help you build that profitable site.


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The powerful benefits of having credibility

The Powerful Benefits of Having Credibility

Think about credibility like this: Would you personally hire a babysitter who had a lot of references and plenty of experience or a kid who will be babysitting for the first time and has no track record that you can check to take care of your kids? Wait... dont decide yet. Lets say that the babysitter with the references and the experience charges twice as much as the inexperienced baby sitter. Hmmm... youd probably still opt for the experienced one, right?

OK... lets say that the kid with no experience as a paid babysitter has been reading everything he could find about babysitting and has taken a babysitting course. This inexperienced kid doesnt have babysitting references as such but he does have letters from prominent people stating that he is a responsible and mature person. He has written articles for the school paper about the responsibilities of baby sitting. Remember... the inexperienced one charges a lot less. Now the choices are getting a lot more even.

At this point, you might remember how hard it was for you to get your first job and, because this kid has taken the steps to gain credibility by reading, taking courses, and writing articles you decide to give him a shot.

The above example is very much the way the world of internet marketing works. The woods are full of experienced marketers who have a great many references. New marketers only have a shot at breaking into the market and getting an established marketer to do a joint venture with him if he is willing to put in the effort to establish some credibility for himself.

It is true that a joint venture with an established internet marketer can and does provide a new marketer with credibility... but it isnt going to happen if the new marketer hasnt already established some credibility for himself.


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The power of your subconscious mind

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

I'm here to tell you that you currently posses the most powerful tool in the Universe, your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind knows everything. It has all the answers if you just use it correctly.

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Scientists say that we only use 10% of our minds. Think about what I just said. We use only 10% of our minds! We are wasting the other 90%. Think of it this way.what if we only used 10% of our salary? Could we survive on 10% of our salary? No way, unless your Bill Gates. What about eating only 10% of the food we make? Wouldn't that be a waste of food? What if we slept only 10% of 8 hours or 80 minutes a day? Could we survive? What if we had only 10% of the oxygen that was available? Could we survive? The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO!

So why do we put up with using only 10% of our brain? Look at your life. Are you living the life you want.on your terms? Are you happy with what you've created or do you think it could be better? Chances are that you are living to only 10% of your abilities. What if you could make your life 100, 500, or 1,000% better? I can hear you now saying"That's impossible" or "that's too hard to do." If you did say that, you're repeating the same pattern in your life, which is you are using only 10% of your brain or less.

If you're happy with using just the 10% of your brain then stop reading now. If you're not satisfied and want to be able to use the rest of it then keep reading. Think about the greatness you can achieve by using your entire mind. There have been a number of great teachers of using the mind, such as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Maltz and many others. These men knew the secret to using the power of your mind and how to tap into it.

I'm here to tell you that you currently posses the most powerful tool in the Universe.your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. Your subconscious mind knows everything. It has all the answers if you just use it correctly. It can lead you to a life of harmony, wealth, health, joy and success! This is possible with all aspects of your life.

It's not your fault. You were never taught how to use your mind. The past is over and today can be a new start. It doesn't matter what happened before today, what matters is what happens from today on. You must believe in your subconscious mind and know that it can allow you to lead a life of joy and success.

Let's start off with a very simple procedure. Use your subconscious mind as an alarm clock. Before going to bed at night, tell it what time you want to get up. Let's say you want to wake up at 7:00am. Before going to bed, tell your subconscious mind to "wake me up at 7:00am" and while saying this visualize a clock that reads 7:00.

The first step in changing your life is to start making impressions on your subconscious mind. You can so this by making affirmations as well as thinking certain thoughts. For example, let's say you want to attract money in your life. You can simply repeat these words "I am wealth and success". Repeat these words several times a day. It's best to say them in the morning when you get up and right before you sleep. This is when your mind is in an alpha state. When saying them, make sure you really mean them and focus on the words. Don't feel it's a chore or else it will not do you any good. You can also say them while meditating.

This can work for anything. Make sure the affirmations are positive and not stating the negative. For example, if you want to quit smoking, don't say "I don't smoke". Instead say "My lungs are pure and healthy and I am cigarette free." "I am" are two of the most powerful words in the English language.

Also, it's very important to think positively, don't say to yourself, "I'm just never lucky" or "I'm just meant to be poor." Think the opposite, "I am lucky" or "Things always work out to my favor" and I am wealthy and successful." If you have trouble believing yourself when you say them then change them to become more believable. You can start small or say "I am becoming wealthy."

If you need help with a problem or are in a situation where you have to make a tough decision and don't know which is the best for you. Ask your subconscious mind for help. Let's say you are contemplating two separate job offers and you are having trouble deciding between the two. Ask your subconscious mind for help by asking it. You may say something like "Infinite wisdom of my subconscious mind, I ask for your help in deciding what is best between these two job offers, I ask for your help and guidance in making a decision that is best for me."

Be still and listen to your subconscious mind. Close your eyes if need be and do not force anything to come to you but just be still and listen. If the answer doesn't come right away, that's ok. It's probably searching for the answer and it may take a little bit of time. But, I assure you, the answer will come..maybe the next day or next week. You just need to be alert and have your antennas up. The answer may come from something outside of you, perhaps after you wake up. You may be clear in your thoughts on what to do. You may read or hear something that may enlighten you on what to do. You may receive your answer by running into a friend and he may say something that may help you decide. Just be patient and do not get frustrated and think too much about it. By doing so, you are delaying the answer form coming to you.


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The power of your car what the japanese know and we don t

The Power Of Your Car: What the japanese Know And We Don't

Picture this. Five days a week, you get into your car, ready for the hour long commute to work, school, the caf your sister insists has the best breakfast. You turn on the radio, plug in your cell phone to recharge the battery, plug your Bluetooth into the second outlet on the console, adjust your ipod on the dash, and decide you're ready to go. Sound familiar? With commute times of U.S. drivers on the rise since ABC News reported in 2005 that 220 million Americans spend an ...


Picture this. Five days a week, you get into your car, ready for the hour long commute to work, school, the caf your sister insists has the best breakfast. You turn on the radio, plug in your cell phone to recharge the battery, plug your Bluetooth into the second outlet on the console, adjust your ipod on the dash, and decide you're ready to go. Sound familiar? With commute times of U.S. drivers on the rise since ABC News reported in 2005 that 220 million Americans spend an average of more than 1.5 hours a day in their cars, it's reasonable that we've done all we can to make that portion of our day as comfortable and efficient as we can.

And we've done a pretty good job. MP3 players, cell phones, Bluetooths, DVD players, even laptop computers have become commonplace in the car but what impact has that had on our vehicles themselves?
Most car batteries aren't designed to support an apartment-worth of electronic equipment and the result: they don't last nearly as long as they used to.

What's the solution? Well, if we take our cue from Japan (another country that loves the convenience of small, portable, electronic equipment), we should pay attention to the name Enova Systems.

Enova Systems, Inc. is a leader in the development and production of specialized digital power management systems and stationary power generation systems in cars. In short, new ways to get electricity to all your necessary toys when driving or idling. Essentially, power management systems monitor and control electric power in automobiles.

More specifically, Enova has engineered a hybrid electric drive system that provides the same functionality as a system that relies on an internal combustion engine, but consists of an electric motor and electronic controls to regulate the flow of electricity at various voltages to support the vehicle's batteries as needed.

Asia jumped on board early and is eating this technology up. Isuzu, popular in the United States for its high-performance pickups the i-290 and i-370 as well as its contribution to the SUV market with the five-passenger Ascender, is already working with Enova to include the HybridPowerTM drive system in some of its vehicles. In Singapore, they're using the system in battery-electric trains for the Singapore Land Transport Authority. In South Korea, service vehicles for the Seoul Mass Rapid Transit Circle Line system is utilizing the technology as well. In addition, the company is working with China to develop vehicle systems to accommodate the explosion of mass transit anticipated at the 2008 Olympic Games.

A good idea? Probably. There's no reason to expect that with the growth of urban sprawl that commute times will decrease in the near future, or that people will be willing to give up all the amenities that make their time on the freeways more comfortable. With newer cars (like the 2007 Nissan Altima) providing multiple outlets to plug in electric-powered accessories, we seem to be headed in a direction where stationary power (provided by the battery during idle) will become more necessary.


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The power of words

The Power Of Words

It is a known fact that a business could never be successful without the aid of advertising. In fact, it is considered as the lifeblood of almost all kinds of businesses. That's why sellers and entrepreneur wannabes on eBay understand the impact of an effective advertising technique on their items listing.

Basically, the sale of an item on eBay is dependent on the so-called eBay keyword program. This program asserts the fact that the probability of an item to be sold is b...


It is a known fact that a business could never be successful without the aid of advertising. In fact, it is considered as the lifeblood of almost all kinds of businesses. That's why sellers and entrepreneur wannabes on eBay understand the impact of an effective advertising technique on their items listing.

Basically, the sale of an item on eBay is dependent on the so-called eBay keyword program. This program asserts the fact that the probability of an item to be sold is based on the keyword used by the seller.

The eBay keyword program suggests that the maximum number of keywords to be used in an eBay ad is 100, the least is 50. This is because the essence of the description of the product or the ability of the ad to promote the item against a thousand similar items is lessened.

This does not necessarily mean that the sellers will also limit the amount of keywords that they will use. The eBay keyword program further suggests that the number of keywords should be congruent to the identity of the produc


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The power of web forms

The Power of Web Forms

Web forms allow site owners to gather information about their site visitors. Web forms can be as simple as an email newsletter subscription box, or as complex as an advanced ecommerce checkout page. Here are some tips on making the most of your web forms.

web forms, form, forms

Web forms allow site owners to gather information about their site visitors. Web forms can be as simple as an email newsletter subscription box, or as complex as an advanced ecommerce checkout page. Here are some tips on making the most of your web forms.

Not All Web Forms Are Created Equal

Some web forms are extremely basic and only email forms to administrators. Others are integrated into databases and lead management software. Here is some thing to look for when choosing web form software.

Targeted Lead Generation

Web forms allow site owners to gather valuable information, including contact information, referral web site URLs, search engine keywords and visitor comments, and more. The results of these web forms can be posted to a database and emailed to administrators. Respondents to web forms could be buying a product or interested in receiving more information. The leads generated in this manner are highly targeted since the people filling out the request form will have seen your site and know the


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The power of unselfconscious affluence

The Power Of Unselfconscious Affluence

Of course, we didn't all grow up financially comfortable, but neither did some of the world's richest people. Several of my most successful students are real rags to riches stories gaining their vast financial successes through single-minded perseverance, education, hard work, intention and a little luck. Their persistence, raising their set points and advancing their mindsets all were part of the mix in what eventually turned them into money magnets.

Internal obstacles so...

Persuasion, sales training, persuading the affluent, self improvement, communication

Of course, we didn't all grow up financially comfortable, but neither did some of the world's richest people. Several of my most successful students are real rags to riches stories gaining their vast financial successes through single-minded perseverance, education, hard work, intention and a little luck. Their persistence, raising their set points and advancing their mindsets all were part of the mix in what eventually turned them into money magnets.

Internal obstacles sometimes need to be overcome in order to advance in life and this holds true as we seek to attain an unselfconscious relationship with affluence and a super affluent clientle. The journey from self conscious to confidence in dealing with all things relating to affluence can be highly individualized. People who grow up poor or struggling, can carry with them that feeling of scarcity no matter how wealthy they become. The father of a student of mine grew up during the depression and became an orphan at the age of thirteen.

My student's father and his feelings of guilt and shame, in addition to being accustomed to having very little from a young age, really shaped his attitude toward wealth and money. Despite being quite successful in later life, despite having several businesses and being a property owner in the very advantageous real estate market of San Francisco in the 80's and 90's, there was always this residual fear of scarcity which shadowed everything he did.

My student had everything he could ever need as a child--a nice house, an excellent education, plenty of food and never a fear that the electricity would be turned off. His father's experiences really framed how he viewed money, however. He, despite all his comfort in life, developed a real scarcity fear as well which in turn created a social and class self-consciousness.

Unfortunately, this social self-consciousness thwarts a fluid relationship with affluence and the affluent and we should do everything we can to overcome it.

Our first step in overcoming this self-consciousness is to understand that there is no shame in abundance. There is absolutely enough for all of us. Life need not be fraught with scarcity. If you are reading this, you have the ability to thrive with an abundant life. We're here on this planet, I believe, to learn and when we redirect whatever shame and fear into a new pathway, this learning is accomplished.

And once we are right with ourselves, our social confidence, no matter what income level, will skyrocket and we will be able to very naturally enter into any social or business interaction with ease even if these social or business interactions are with super affluent people.

Try doing this: every morning when you wake up, before you get out of bed, tell yourself, 'I'm a money magnet' and see what kind of unexpected gains you receive throughout your day. It's an amazing little exercise in faith and attraction and a truly beautiful gift you can give to yourself. Get into the flow of the energy called money.


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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The power of thought

The Power of Thought

Who you are today and the reality you have created are a result of your thoughts - your thoughts about what is possible and whats not. These thoughts are influenced by your spirituality your purpose - who you see yourself being, and your beliefs and values.

NLP, reality, self improvement, self help

Look around you. Perhaps you see a chair. This chair is real and exists in time and space. Yet before it came into being, it first existed as a thought. In fact, everything in the room existed as a thought at some point in someones mind. Who you are today and the reality you have created are a result of your thoughts - your thoughts about what is possible and whats not. These thoughts are influenced by your spirituality your purpose - who you see yourself being, and your beliefs and values.

It is said that a person has over 60,000 thoughts every day. Thats over forty thoughts a minute! Yet, of the 60,000 thoughts you have today, ninety percent of these are the same as the 60,000 you had yesterday and the day before, leaving little room for new thoughts. No wonder life can seem tedious at times. Unless you start to think differently, you are destined to continue to create and repeat the same old reality every day. Is it not time to change your thoughts, live your dreams and let reality catch up?



How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days Or Less

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The power of the wellness media store

The Power Of The Wellness Media Store

You can find a great deal of power in a wellness media store. What exactly is it? This is an ecommerce site on the Internet where you sell all kinds of items. Operating a wellness media store can generate a very steady passive income.

First, let's look at what a passive income really is for you. When you set up an event that will provide money without hardly work on your part is a passive income. You do all the initial work and then almost sit back and let the money c...

Business,network marketing

You can find a great deal of power in a wellness media store. What exactly is it? This is an ecommerce site on the Internet where you sell all kinds of items. Operating a wellness media store can generate a very steady passive income.

First, let's look at what a passive income really is for you. When you set up an event that will provide money without hardly work on your part is a passive income. You do all the initial work and then almost sit back and let the money come to you.

One powerful way to make a steady passive income is by operating an ecommerce wellness media store. You primary goal will be to sell electronic media such as videos, DVDs and electronic books that are wellness related. These are then delivered to the customers.

Do you realize thousands upon thousands of wellness media is available at your fingertips? You can find hundreds of electronic books that will give you resell rights or even be given away free for you to sell in your wellness media store.

Once you have set up your ecommerce store, you will be able to sit back and watch the money virtually roll in. You can have your wellness media store set up so that when a customer pays for an item, they will automatically go to a web page to download the product. Without any direct work on your part, the customer pays for the electronic product and they download the product. If you were asleep when they shopped, you still get your money and they still get their item. What could be easier than that?

You will want to have a programmer set you up for your own very unique store. People that use the standard packages that are scattered all over the Internet become lost in the crowd. You want a site that is different and that people will remember.

To keep the passive income generating and flowing, it will be important for you to network market with other people that in complimentary businesses and organizations. You do not want to market too heavily to your competitors. Try to find a balance between the two.

Let's say that your wellness media store has a great deal of content about fitness equipment. You will want to network with other people in the fitness industry and people that sell fitness equipment. They might even help advertise your products in exchange for helping them as well. It becomes a win-win situation for both of you.

More than likely you will be networking with people from several areas of the wellness industry. Electronic media compliments a great many of the wellness industry niche markets. It will be important to hook up with some of these people.

Yes, you will find that you will make a steady flow of passive income from your wellness store. However, you want people to find the store and others to learn about your media products. You cannot sit back and completely do nothing. If you build it, they will come only if they know it is there in the first place.


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The power of the underestimated word of mouth marketing

The power of the underestimated: Word-of-mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is rarely the focus of a new businessperson seeking to gain more clients. Everyone wants to start an affiliate program or pay someone far too much to "manage their add campaign".

However, many of the biggest businesses choose to use word of mouth marketing instead of a pricey campaign. Google (gmail) and Amazon are two prime examples that I will explain later.

Marketing, Word of mouth, Online Marketing,

Word-of-mouth marketing is rarely the focus of a new businessperson seeking to gain more clients. Everyone wants to start an affiliate program or pay someone far too much to "manage their add campaign".

However, many of the biggest businesses choose to use word of mouth marketing instead of a pricey campaign. Google (gmail) and Amazon are two prime examples that I will explain later.

Expensive research has taught these companies that people believe their friends more than they believe billboards or commercials and so it has been proven to be one of the best marketing methods around.

Word of mouth is probably both the most successful kind of advertising and the most profitable. People naturally talk to each other and spread ideas, names and opinions. This article aims to show you how to use this to your advantage, how to make money from word of mouth.

1. Business Cards

There are many places online where you can order large quantities of business cards. If you use them to introduce yourself with people who aren't already friends and family then you are already spreading your businesses name.

It may feel contrived and a little cheesy but it works. Few people rip up business cards. They usually end up deposited on a kitchen table ready to be picked up when someone who runs your kind of business is needed.

Also, they bring your business into conversation. You don't need to promote it, just give them the card and you are increasing your brand recognition.

2. Tell-A-Friend Scripts

Online you often see on the side of websites a link called "tell a friend". This makes it so much easier to tell a friend about a website and therefore far more people do.

BY adding one of these links to the side of your website you are immediately increasing your ability to market though word of mouth. You are making your website word-of-mouth friendly and so you are likely to be talked about more, become better known and make more money.

A free "tell a friend" script can be found here:

All you have to do is copy and paste the script from that site somewhere in your websites html. Maybe at the bottom of the page. Try and pick somewhere near the rest of your links so that it isn't ignored. There we have it! Instantly better marketing.

3) Invite a Friend Offers

This is a strategy that many of the most profitable websites with the best marketing strategies online have used and I am about to explain it to you for free.

All you do is that you offer a discount for every person who invites a certain number of friends to your website. This is a bit like an affiliate program only you pay them with a discount that does not affect your profits much rather than actual money.

This however is harder to set up. If your website runs a "membership" sign-in system then it will be easy to just get your web engineer to add this script.

If however you plan to run a more basic website set-up (like me) then this still is fairly easy. When you are setting up your shopping cart software (if you read my guide on it then you will be using the free one offered by Paypal) then just customize it to allow "comments" while ordering.

Tell people that if 5 people "comment" or mention their name and email address while ordering products then you will give them a 40% discount on their next purchase. This will form an incentive for people to use word of mouth to grow your business and thereby increase your customer base and potential profits.

4) Email, bulletin board and other signatures

Whenever you write anything online, sign it with your website address if you have one. This includes emails.

A prime example of how this has worked for one company is hotmail. At the end of every hotmail email it advertises the free service that they provide and so the y had to do less marketing because word of mouth gave them free advertising.

5) Buzz

Buzz is the modern term for when you do something exciting, edgy or different and people begin to talk about it - a lot.

While it is very difficult to tell you how to create a buzz for your product or website, I can tell you that you always need to be thinking out of the box.

Again, many very large and profitable businesses use this technique simply by doing something strange as seen in Burger King's "Subservient Chicken" campaign. To promote their new chicken sandwiches they created a website with a man in a chicken suit that would obey the commands that you typed. This was unusual, unique and interesting and so created "Buzz."

I wouldn't recommend doing things like that all of the time but when you are thinking of how to grow your business it is definitely something worth considering.


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The power of the spoken word

The Power Of The Spoken Word

The pen is mightier than the sword, says an adage. But most people do not know that when written words become spoken words, they explode like firecrackers! If books speak volumes, speeches fire up entire lives.

There are three kinds of words: the written, the meditated, and the spoken.

Written words inform and give full spectrum of probabilities about a topic or event. Meditated words have the potential to bring out explosive ideas. But when both the written and meditat...

speaking,public speaking

The pen is mightier than the sword, says an adage. But most people do not know that when written words become spoken words, they explode like firecrackers! If books speak volumes, speeches fire up entire lives.

There are three kinds of words: the written, the meditated, and the spoken.

Written words inform and give full spectrum of probabilities about a topic or event. Meditated words have the potential to bring out explosive ideas. But when both the written and meditated words are verbalized, the result is tremendous, to say the least. Spoken words are fired from the barrel of a gun (the mouth), through a triggering mechanism (our tongue). When used effectively, words are like bullets that hit targets accurately and leave an indelible mark.

Speaking is a very unique technique of conveying messages. It involves body and soul. It can create a visual drama with live emotions and gestures that put life into the message like no written or meditated messages can achieve. In speaking, you really become the me


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The power of the chi life nourishment and better sex life

The Power of the Chi: Life, Nourishment, and Better Sex Life

In Eastern beliefs, the chi is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self realization. The chi, can be developed by breathing, chi meditation, and visualization. Understanding the power of the chi and how to develop it can lead to      better health and improved lives.

meditation, relaxation, sexual health

Many things has been said about the Chi, the chinese word for internal energy. Some say it is the power within that emanates from the air we breathe and transforms into a life force within our body. In Eastern beliefs, the chi is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self realization. All life in the universe is inspired by the chi, it is the life force or vital energy that is present in every living thing. According to Chinese beliefs, the chi also enables martial artists to accomplish physically impossible feats like breaking bricks with bare hands and feet. Once the chi is manipulated, performing such feats would be easy. In addition, the chi is also seen as the force that controls the entire universe. This life force is called 'pneuma' in Greece and 'ki' in Japanese.

     What is the chi? And where did it begin? History says that in A.D. 527, an Indian monk named Bodhidharma traveled to China. The purpose of the journey was to teach his fellow monks exercises to develop and strengthen their bodies. In his journey to China, Bodhidharma wrote a book entitled Xi Sui Jing. This book was about breathing and meditation, it is believed that this book taught the power of the chi. Bodhidharma, is also the author of a book entitled, Shi Bao Luo Han Shou (The Eighteen Hands of Lohan). Historians consider this book as the first manual on offensive and defensive combat movements. This book gave birth to Kalirapayat, believed to be the mother of all martial arts. These facts explain the close similarity of the postures in Chinese martial arts and yoga. Both traditions focused on the lower abdominal region as the center of all human energy (chi, pneuma, ki). Martial arts and Yoga were both developed to promote a healthy body, increase lifespan, and att

     The chi, according to traditional Chinese medicine can be developed by breathing, chi meditation, and visualization. the chinese discovered that the chi travels in the human body through channels called meridians. These channels are the pathways of positive and negative powerthe 'yin' or 'yang', the basis of the direction in which the chi flows on the body. The 'yin' energy comes from the earth and flows from the feet to the torso, the arms, and the fingertips. 'Yang' energy flows from the sun to the 'yang' meridians from the fingers to the face, or face to the feet. Meridians are found in the teeth, organs, tissues, and other parts of the body. Through these meridians, the chi enters the body and flows deeper to organs, blood vessels, glands, and other body parts. This flow of the chi gives these body parts life, nourishment, and energy.


     The chi as stated can be developed by breathing, chi reflection, and visualization. These entities can be achieved by undergoing activities that includes meditation like tai chi, yoga, and martial arts. These moments of stillness may bring short periods of relaxation and improve one's self-esteem. Activities that aid in developing the chi also improves one's libido and overall sexual health. People who frequently undergo yoga, tai chi, and martial arts training partake in physical and conditioning exercises. Studies show that undergoing such activities leads to more energy, better self-esteem, and increased testosterone levels. Additionally stretching warm-ups involved in this activities massages the internal organs of the body enabling them to function properly.

     Still, Bodhidharma was careful to teach his monk-students about the virtue of moderation. He taught them that even in martial arts and other physical activities, care must be exercised to avoid over-training. Some studies show that too much intense physical training may have an effect on one's sterility. An investigation by health experts revealed that over-training causes fatigue, which then temporarily reduces sperm count and quality. Specialists say that this happens because the body literally kills itself during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to recuperate to attain normal cell development. Intense physical activities may reduce the level of hormones in the bloodstream that affects sperm production. Medical experts believe that sperm levels return to nearly normal after about three days. They added that drinking coffee after a few hours of training may protect sperm quality because of the antioxidants that are found in caffeine.

     In this era of technology, the power of the chi has been taken for granted. More and more people have been busy with work and prefer to watch movies, TV programs, and video games instead of sweating out. They spend more time in front of computers instead of taking time and keep in touch with their body. These activities may lead to poor health and energy and low self-esteem. Understanding the power of the chi and how to develop it can lead to better health and improved lives


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The power of taglines take my tagline test

The Power Of Taglines - Take My Tagline Test!

When it comes to marketing, one of the most powerful tools you can use to build your brand is a tagline or slogan. Think about the taglines you know and remember. They help you remember a brand and the ONE thing that company wants you to remember.

taglines, slogans, advertising, marketing

An effective logo/tagline combination can be one of the best ways to successfully brand your business. But you don't have to take my word for it.

Do any of the phrases below ring a bell?

See if you can identify which companies each of the following taglines belongs to. You'll find the answers at the end of the article. But before you read ahead to get the answers, take a few minutes to test the power of taglines yourself by naming the brand each of these top-ranked taglines belong to.

1) Have it your way

2) Is it in you?

3) The quicker picker-upper

4) Just do it

5) It's everywhere you want to be

6) Drivers wanted

7) When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight

8) Finger lickin-good

9) Because I'm worth it

10)Let your fingers do the walking

So what exactly is a tagline?

When it comes to marketing, one of the most powerful tools you can use to build your brand is a tagline or slogan. The two terms are pretty much interchangeable. I tend to use the word tagline. Following are definit


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The power of positive thinking and your business

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Your Business

You may not realize this but your thoughts and thought processes have an impact on how you run your business and its inherent success. The way you think has an effect on your business and thinking positively or negatively may make or break you. How does a person's thought processes affect a business? What is the correlation between the way your mind works and how successful your business is and will be?

The way a person's mind works is so intricate that digging deep into i...

business development,business development strategy,hypnosis,hypnotherapy,self hypnosis

You may not realize this but your thoughts and thought processes have an impact on how you run your business and its inherent success. The way you think has an effect on your business and thinking positively or negatively may make or break you. How does a person's thought processes affect a business? What is the correlation between the way your mind works and how successful your business is and will be?

The way a person's mind works is so intricate that digging deep into it to figure it out may be a pretty tough call, however, there is evidence that proves how positive thinking often brings positive results. This positive thinking equals positive results phenomenon is brought about by the possible solutions one can come up with when faced with a problem.

Every now and then, when a problem arises within your business organization, how you deal with the problem can either help your company move forward or backward. With the positive results that can be had with positive thinking, you will do well to make your mind run on that path. An example of such positive thinking would be when your business experiences temporary losses due to seasonal fluxes and instead of buckling under the pressure of such losses, you go with the flow and calmly assess the situation to come up with countermeasures to counteract such losses.

Having the proper positive mindset when running a business not only helps you realize your company's potential but helps keep things in the proper perspective. If you keep thinking positive about your business in the proper context and within the boundaries of reality, you save yourself from a lot of headaches that needless negative thinking may generate. Looking at the brighter side of the situation will also help you come up with timely solutions for certain business problems you may not have been able to solve had you faced it negatively.

Positive thinking can be cultivated in a person's psyche through hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis. Making yourself think in a better light about how you can run your business and how to solve the ever emerging problems associated with running a business will not only help your money making ventures but your personal life as well.

Find out how you can benefit from thinking positive and how you can train your mind to think in this light and you will eventually be reaping the positive rewards positive thinking brings.


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The power of persistence

The Power Of Persistence

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." --Dale Carnegie

When there's no hope at all, most people think 'this is the end. . . after all, no hope means theres no possible way to win. For me, and my fellow persuaders, this signals a challenge, an opportunity, a call to action. I believe there is always hope.

Many years ago I had a cat who was the very embodiment of persis...

Persuasion, sales training, persuading the affluent, self improvement, communication

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." --Dale Carnegie

When there's no hope at all, most people think 'this is the end. . . after all, no hope means theres no possible way to win. For me, and my fellow persuaders, this signals a challenge, an opportunity, a call to action. I believe there is always hope.

Many years ago I had a cat who was the very embodiment of persistence. I had a giant antique armoire in my living room. This piece of furniture was too low for him to crawl under and too large for him to swipe his paw under but it was the perfect height for a mouse to find shelter.

I couldn't understand why the cat sat in the corner staring all day and night for several days. He was standing a guard and waiting for a little mouse who had taken shelter there.

My cat had a goal that he was going to attain no matter how long he had to wait. And he waited and waited and I began to worry about him because he seldom left his post. Eventually the little guy caught the mouse and he played with it for hours while strutting around proudly show his prize to us.

The mouse sadly died, (with a burial following in the back yard) but the cat remained vigilant in that corner trying to create victory. He was hoping for another opportunity, but I like to think he was reliving his triumphant moment.

Persistence is key in persuasion. Your success rate is increased incredibly with persuasion. Follow up, follow through. Place that second or third or even fourth call, don't accept no for an answer.

Excelling in persistence requires intention, objective and desire. Get these ingredients percolating within you for when you need the energy of an extra push to accomplish all of your objectives and goals.

A clear mindset is important. Self doubt and negativity have NEVER served you well. Sometimes we play these old tapes in our heads. This outdated conditioning needs to be banished from our lives.

Seek the encouragement of friends, coworkers, allies, family in overcoming this negativity. If you have been relying on these old tapes playing in a loop in your head for many years, or your whole life, this can be a hard habit to break. Break it, you must.

With all that said, there's a point of diminishing return and if you've spent a sufficient time being persistent and it has proved futile then by all means, give up. There is no point at all in beating the proverbial dead horse. Your time is worth money and when you come to an impasse, it's time to cut your losses.

I'll leave you with a W.C. Fields quote: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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The power of meditation

The Power Of Meditation

Purpose for meditation:

What is the goal of meditation? The goal of meditation is not to end or remove the stimulation. It is more a training of the mind to direct focus and concentration to one element. This single element may be a single sound, a single word or thought, a single image or even the person's own breathing. Calmness and peace are brought into the mind's focus, and thereby replace feelings of worry, stress and depression. Negative thoughts can be replaced wit...

meditation, health

Purpose for meditation:

What is the goal of meditation? The goal of meditation is not to end or remove the stimulation. It is more a training of the mind to direct focus and concentration to one element. This single element may be a single sound, a single word or thought, a single image or even the person's own breathing. Calmness and peace are brought into the mind's focus, and thereby replace feelings of worry, stress and depression. Negative thoughts can be replaced with positive ones in this manner.

Benefits of Meditation:

There are numerous physical and psychological benefits to meditation. As the body rests, the heart rate lowers, as does the metabolic rate and stress is dramatically decreased. Many negative physical and physiological reactions related to stress are decreased or eradicated altogether. Concentration is increased and memory is improved. Additionally, anxiety, depression, moodiness and irritability are decreased while feelings of vitality, happiness, rejuvenation and emotional stability are improved.

There are many forms of meditation and, although it has its origins in the Eastern cultures, the West is quickly learning the benefits of this relaxing practice. Most people think of meditation as some guy sitting on a pillow, legs crossed, eyes closed, humming. However, meditation can be done while sitting on a chair, lying down, sitting at your desk, or just about anywhere.

While the many different forms of meditation are as diverse as their styles, there is one thing that they have in common: they focus on calming and quietening a chaotic, busy mind.

What is the goal of meditation? The goal of meditation is not to end or remove the stimulation. It is more a training of the mind to direct focus and concentration to one element. This single element may be a single sound, a single word or thought, a single image or even the person's own breathing. This is designed to bring calm and peace to the mind by making it focus so that worry, stress and depression are pushed aside. Negative thoughts can be replaced with positive ones in this manner.

All of the meditation methods can be grouped into one of two different categories, or styles. The first of these styles of meditation is concentrative. This means that the attention is focused on the breath, an image or a sound such as a mantra to still the mind and heighten awareness and clarity. Certain types of music can do this.

Concentrative meditation is the most popular style of meditation. The person sits quietly and focuses their attention on the breath, known as "conscious breathing." This type of meditation is very good for relieving anxiety, stress and distraction because it causes the person to focus and relax.

To perform conscious breathing, sit in a chair or on a pillow on the floor. Close your eyes and breath in deeply through your mouth while saying to yourself, "I am breathing in." When you exhale through your nose (or mouth), say to yourself, "I am breathing out." Picture positivity being breathed in with each breath you take and negativity being expelled each time you exhale. Absorb yourself in the act of breathing in and out, think of nothing else.

The other type of meditation is mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation involves raising your awareness of all the sensations, feelings, images, thoughts, sounds and smells that you encounter each day. However, you do not dwell on them or become involved in thinking about them. The person simply sits quietly and observes the activity of the mind without being drawn into reacting to it or becoming involved in negative reactions to it such as depression or worry. Through this exploration, the person gains a clearer, calmer state of mind that is non-reactive as opposed to bogged down in worry and depression.


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