الاثنين، 14 مارس 2011

What inhibits our learning

What Inhibits Our Learning?

Learning is similar with traveling. We are attempting to move from one place to another from ignorance to knowledge. Learning process is endless. The more we see, feel and perceive, the deeper is our aspiration to discover more. The more we travel, the better we understand that the world is boundless. The more we know, the better we realize that still there so many things to learn. There are several types of mental barriers inhibiting our learning and mental progress.

learning process, knowledge

Our behavior is formed under two desires: to be rewarded or to avoid punishment. If you have a stimulus to learn your potential will endlessly grow. The process of learning involves a lot of other including habit development. There is a way to speed up this process and that is to create a situation for where you have no choice but to succeed. Dont be afraid to go into details to get what you wish. Put yourself into the circumstances where victory is the only solution. We are learning only when we have desire to improve. To be successful in this you have to train our brains. All the distracting moments should be pout aside. Concentrate on the main goal and slowly but surely move forward. Eliminate irrelevant issues and forget about the volume of information. The quantity is not important the only thing that matters is the quality of knowledge acquired. Do not be afraid to go back to what you have learnt and go over it once more.

While lear


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What individual hypnosis can do for you

What individual hypnosis can do for you.

What many people say that a lot of things can be achieved by placing the mind over matter, you may be able to see what individual hypnosis can do for you.

There are indeed a lot of benefits individual hypnosis can do for a person, especially when a person is determined to see things to the very end or committed to do things that he believes he can, then the possibilities are endless.

Even when somebody believes that he can achieve what others, or sometimes even he himself, would find difficult, he can actually do it if he just puts his mind into it.

So is the same thought process involved in individual hypnosis, which is a positive reinforcement of mental conditioning and positive thought paths.

Although it may be easy to say that positive thinking can produce a lot of good results, still the idea of injecting the mind to think that way may not be as easy as you think, especially when we are at our conscious state, especially when weighing the pros and cons of each of our actions.

But with hypnosis, the mind can be convinced to do such things and work wonders when it comes to our positive mental conditioning processes.

Here are some of the areas where hypnosis can do wonders for the mind especially with behavioral approaches and the positive mental conditioning process.

With hypnosis, even with self-hypnosis, we can heighten our sense of concentration.

This is particularly helpful when we desire to free our minds into focusing on what is really important for us and filter out other trivial thoughts.

The concentration aspect has been found out to be specifically helpful for those who want to improve on social and people skills, communication skills, memory and comprehension, creativity, focus and a whole lot more.

Ones personal outlook can also be improved dramatically through hypnosis, especially for those who wish to improve their personal well-being for the enhancement of their careers, professional and personal relationships, time management, anger management, positive mental feedbacking and focusing towards achieving goals.

Other breakthroughs for hypnosis also include success stories on breaking people free from addiction, be it substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking or even both mental and physical dependency issues.

Hypnosis works through it by helping or guiding the person to believe that they have no need of such substances, like drugs for example, in order to exist and live a free and normal life.

It can also help in easing or even preventing a subject from getting tempted by cravings, especially for recovering addicts under therapy or rehabilitation.

Another benefit of hypnosis is the life-changing capacity in helping people overcome their fears.

This is particularly true since phobias or fears, be it with the dark, heights, closed spaces, insects like spiders or frogs, you name it, those phobias reside in the corner of our mind to haunt us whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Through hypnosis, those fears can be accessed and altered, using hypnosis techniques that can eradicate irrational thoughts and fears, but leaving behind a more productive, neutral or healthy perspective towards those stimuli causing the fear or phobia.

Removing negative thoughts in the human mind is by far the biggest breakthrough that shaped the practice of hypnosis and give a good glimpse of what individual hypnosis can do for you.



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What increases decreases good bad cholesterol

What Increases & Decreases Good & Bad Cholesterol?

An informative article discussing factors which play a significant role in increasing good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol.


Factors leading to and Increase in Cholesterol

Poor eating habits
Diet that is high in saturated fat tends to elevate cholesterol. Saturated fats are found mostly in foods that come from animals. Saturated fat raises you LDL (bad) cholesterol level more that anything else in the diet. Eating too much saturated fat is the main reason for high levels of cholesterol and high rate of heart attacks.

Cigarette smoking lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels and is one of the six major risk factors of heart disease. It also increases the tendency for blood to clot. Once a person quits smoking, HDL cholesterol levels rises within weeks or months to levels that are equal to their nonsmoking peers.

Excess Weight
Excess weight tends to increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol level. If you are over weight and have high LDL-cholesterol level, losing weight may help you lower it.

Heredity can make certain individuals more prone to high cholesterol. Genes play a role in influencing you LDL-cholesterol


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What in the world is the south beach diet finally someone who knows

What In The World Is The South Beach Diet? Finally, Someone Who Knows

The South Beach Diet is the latest in the series of the diet fads. As it becomes so popular, that it already swept the whole continent of America and is set to do the same worldwide, many people really question the nature of this diet. Most of them often question, what is the South Beach Diet?

So what is the South Beach Diet?

For those who are still not aware of the nature of this big thing in the diet arena, especially those who question, What is the South Beach Die...



The South Beach Diet is the latest in the series of the diet fads. As it becomes so popular, that it already swept the whole continent of America and is set to do the same worldwide, many people really question the nature of this diet. Most of them often question, what is the South Beach Diet?

So what is the South Beach Diet?

For those who are still not aware of the nature of this big thing in the diet arena, especially those who question, What is the South Beach Diet? here are some facts about this matter. So to answer your query, What is the South Beach Diet? you better read on.

The South Beach Diet is actually a diet program that is generally set for a healthy body. As it is commonly associated with the low-carb diets, it is interesting to know so to answer the big query What is the South Beach Diet? that this diet plan is actually not a low-carb nor it is a low-fat. To further answer your curiosity What is the South Beach Die


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What in the heck are private label rights

What In The Heck Are Private Label Rights?

When entering the Internet marketing world, you're bound to come across the term "private label rights." So, what does it mean?

When you're talking rights, it's usually in regard to articles, software, ebooks, etc. which are intellectual property. Private label rights (PLR) apply when the author of said product gives you the right to alter it in any way you see fit and to claim it as your own. You may also sell the new product you've created, but you can't offer the origin...

internet marketing, private label rights, master resale rights, PLR

When entering the Internet marketing world, you're bound to come across the term "private label rights." So, what does it mean?

When you're talking rights, it's usually in regard to articles, software, ebooks, etc. which are intellectual property. Private label rights (PLR) apply when the author of said product gives you the right to alter it in any way you see fit and to claim it as your own. You may also sell the new product you've created, but you can't offer the original product and rights in the same way that you purchased them. What you can and cannot do is always specified in the private label rights agreement that came along with your purchase.

To resell a product and offer PLR rights, you need master resale rights. These allow you to resell the product, as is, to anyone so that they can sell it in the same way that you purchased yours. You probably can't change it in any way, unless you also bought private label rights with it. You may be able to give the product away or to use it as a bonus with another product, but those rights are listed in the master resale rights agreement that you received in the deal.

Always check the legal agreements before deciding what to do with the private label or master resale rights product you bought. There may be restrictions. For example, some products must be given away freely, while others sold at a specific price. But there are other issues that could arise. For example EzineArticles.com doesn't approve of private label rights articles or any article that promotes their use, so if you're planning to upload PLR content to an article directory, it will be a problem. Of course, it's easy to understand why.

Many people are apt to buy PLR content, and some of them may rewrite it, while others won't. That might be OK for your own website, but article directories don't want hundreds copies of the same article being uploaded to their servers with different authors' names.

Not only that but the quality of the articles is often poor. You'll need to rewrite the content regardless of where you put it, and that's especially true if you want unique content. If you don't substantially rewrite the articles, they won't help you much at all.

Internet marketing with duplicate content won't bring much search engine advantage because when there are dozens of the same article out there, only one site will get credit from Google for having it. But imagine, too, a client seeing your name on an article they read elsewhere, supposedly written by someone else. Using private label rights articles "as-is" can hurt your credibility in the Internet marketing world.

If you're one of those people who just can't come up with something to write about, private label rights content can be the answer, if you use it properly. Treat them as a guideline for doing your own work. If you don't make the new articles substantially different, you'll be very limited in where they can be placed, and you can't resell them, unless you bought master resale rights, too. If you go the PLR route, do it wisely. Don't use them just so you can slap some content up on the Web. Though they might be OK in a bind, PLR material might be more work than you think.


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What impression do you leave your clients

What Impression do you leave your clients?

First impression lasts that is! You may have an affirmative or negative view regarding this maxim. However, when it comes to promotional items, impression does matter.

Flyers Printing Services, Brochures Printing, Posters Printing, Custom Business Cards Printing, Catalogs Printing, Postcard Printing

Impressions, as we all know, are blurry ideas in which confidences are given. marketing materials such as business cards, posters, postcards, flyers, brochures and catalogs must satisfy the customers confidences even at the very first sight of the material.

Catalogs, for instance, must leave a lasting and positive first impression. Before they can encourage potential readers to read on, they must entice them first to come closer and take a look at them. They must have fascinating design and facade to lure the would-be receivers.

To complete the marketing formula, the company or its marketer must entrust the potential masterpieces to a master in catalogs printing. If you have hesitations and worries regarding the printing process, the colors and materials like paper and ink to be used, ask the pool of experts that surround the printing company. They will help you seek solutions to your catalogs printing dilemmas.

Catalogs are made to ha


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What if you hate selling

What If You Hate Selling?

I've heard a lot of people say that they LOVE the idea of having a home business but that they HATE selling stuff! You might be able to relate to this. I've been doing business from my home for a while now and there are some parts of the business that I just LOVE and that come naturally, like talking with people, listening, and teaching ...

And there are some aspects of it that have always been more of a challenge, namely the whole notion of letting people know about my pr...

mlm,mlm leads,network marketing,home business,selling,relationship selling,business with heart

I've heard a lot of people say that they LOVE the idea of having a home business but that they HATE selling stuff! You might be able to relate to this. I've been doing business from my home for a while now and there are some parts of the business that I just LOVE and that come naturally, like talking with people, listening, and teaching ...

And there are some aspects of it that have always been more of a challenge, namely the whole notion of letting people know about my products!

This used to be such a problem for me that I actually quit the business not once, not twice, but THREE times, because I decided that I am not very good at "selling stuff". Can you relate to this? You love the idea of owning your business, and get excited thinking about the potential, and then when you get down to the "nitty gritty" of how you make money, it all comes down to the BOTTOM LINE ...

You've got to promote your product, opportunity, or service!!

Well gosh, if you hate selling are you doomed to a life of being stuck in the employee 9 to 5 grind? Not necessarily! There IS another way.

Recently I had a HUGE insight ... a real breakthrough, about "selling stuff". Maybe this will help you if you're a little squeamish about promoting your business, product or service.

In started in the mid 1990's when I was making my first forays into the land of home based business. I wasn't used to thinking of myself as a business person. To be honest, I felt like a fish OUT of water!! My very first business was a fantastic success until the company I represented went out of business. Ouch! Determined to do better next time, I read, researched, studied, went to trainings, and guess what? Over the next three years, I started, worked and FAILED in a grand total of FOUR network marketing business ventures!

Eeeegads!!! :(

I won't go into the gory details of when, where and why, but the bottom line is that obviously something was missing! I set about to find that missing piece. One big "aha" experience happened in 2001 when I found the internet. After that long "dry spell" I FINALLY began to make money again! However, I found that one thing was still missing though in this otherwise wonderful picture.

I wasn't quite sure how to tell people about my products! I was getting hung up on the big "S"... "Selling Stuff"! I studied, took courses on marketing, and still couldn't find "the groove".

Not knowing what else to do, I prayed for a solution. It is my habit to bring my all of my life, including my business, before God and Spirit. The answer I got wasn't in the "packaging" I expected.

In December I became sick for almost 2 months. Nothing serious, just annoying, intractable, and very unusual for me. Several of my business partners were talking about a new health discovery from the rainforest with a ton of healing properties.

So I read some info, and it really knocked my socks off! After going through the scientific research, and the list of healing properties, I realized that this could help me and almost everyone I know! Something in my heart "clicked", and I found myself staying up at night, thinking of all the people I love who could benefit from this.

There were at several HUNDRED people who came to my mind that I wanted to share this with ... that I had NEVER felt moved to share my other wonderful products with!! Okay, okay well you have probably figured this out.

Finally I realized that I just HAD to tell people about this new product!! Well first I had to try it for myself of course. My sickness went away, and my joint pain too! (Hadn't expected that!) It's funny, I am not a habitually guilty person but in this situation, I felt guilty getting excited about products that weren't part of my own company ...

But I felt MORE guilty in NOT telling everyone I know about this brand new discovery!! Eventually I worked through these feelings and "jumped" into the great unknown. I began promoting the new product, and yes, you can probably guess what happened next, right?

Yes, in one month I did MORE business with the new product than it had taken me a YEAR to build with my other products! And the best part is, I DID get want I prayed for. I never ONCE worried about "selling stuff".

What happened? What made the difference?

Here's the secret ... I WASN'T thinking about me!! I wasn't thinking about my business, my product, my income, my goals. Instead, I was thinking about all the friends and loved ones I could help!! This happened quite naturally. Not through "trying" to be altruistic. I wasn't TRYING to "sell stuff", I was REALLY excited!!

Network marketing, or any marketing really, comes NATURALLY when you are deeply, passionately excited about what you are offering. When you are passionate and CONNECTED with what you are doing, it's not work, it's NATURAL! When it's NATURAL, you're not self conscious. You're in the flow, in the present moment, you're thinking about others... you're in the ZONE! :-)

So you see the moral of the story is... If you want to have a home based business, but you HATE selling stuff... Then FIND something that you are PASSIONATE about to promote! Find something that is NATURAL for you to love ... something that you feel deeply CONNECTED to... something that other people REALLY want and NEED.

And then GO FORTH into the world and prosper!! :-)


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What if you could be paid to recycle

What If You could Be Paid To Recycle?

The idea of getting paid to recycle may sound far fetched and you may think the story will end with, "...and they lived happily ever after." But that is not the case with a company from Pennsylvania who has come up with the genius idea about how to encourage people to recycle. The company is called RecycleBank and it's a Philadelphia-based private company that has a very high tech idea about how to interest more people in the thought of recycling.

It may sound like a science fiction movie, but the idea is to issue wheeled totes to people that have a computer chip implanted in it that would keep information about the people who own the tote. In addition to the name, address and phone number information there would also be included a bank account number, linked to RecycleBank that would tally the amount of recyclable-waste that is turned in to a collection truck that would be equipped with a special computer and barcode system. It will work along the same lines as the self-serve lane at the grocery store and other retail stores.

Once the data of the weight of the recycled material is entered an amount of RecycleBank-Dollars would be deposited into the RecycleBank account. Residents would then have access to those recycle-dollars to be used at participating retailers. Some of the companies already working with RecycleBank include Target, Starbucks and Whole Foods Market and their hopes are to have as many local businesses included as well. Some may find it to be a rewarding experience in being able to donate their RecycleBank Dollars to a local environmental group or organization, rather than spend the money themselves. What a great idea and a great way for people to be given an opportunity to help an organization whose sole purpose it is to keep our planet alive and well? What a beautiful way for some of us to be able to make our contribution to the environment times two? First by recycling and then again by being able to donate the RecycleBank Dollars we tally up.

When you think of it, the opportunitites are nearly endless for single homes to be able to contribute to the positive changes of our environment and if that is the case, imagine the impact a small business could have? How many thousands of dollars and trees could be saved by the implementation of a program like RecycleBank?

For me, this idea is a much better one than the other option proposed by some companies of "Pay-As-You-Throw" (PAYT) which operates in the opposite direction where you would pay for what you throw away. I guess the ideas are similar but I sure like the idea of being credited for my good deeds rather than being punished for what I throw away.

How many cities and towns could gain not just monetary benefits from a program set-up like RecycleBank but the benefits of turning us all into recycle-oriented consumers and residents?


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What if you are a beginner... can you make money on the internet

What If You Are A Beginner... Can You Make Money On The Internet?

I will answer that question right up front, I have met many people that have started making money on the Internet in a very short time. So the answer is yes you can make money on the Internet even if you are just starting.

make money on the internet,make money,home business,getting started

I will answer that question right up front, I have met many people that have started making money on the Internet in a very short time. So the answer is yes you can make money on the Internet even if you are just starting. I am not saying most people starting an Internet business will make money in their first few months, but there are a few that do.

The biggest reason most beginners fail to make money on the Internet in their first year is they jump from one program to another. The second biggest problem is they are not willing to spend the small amount of money it takes to get their Internet business going, or they spend that money in the wrong place. I don't want to offend anyone, but the next reason most beginners fail to make money the first year is they are lazy, like I said I don't want to offend you, but most people are lazy, including myself.

What Will It Take To Help Beginners...

If you are just starting don't fall into the trap a lot of beginners fall into. Before you begin go to a searc


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What if low carb diets can cure diabetes and heart diseases

What If Low-Carb Diets Can Cure Diabetes and Heart Diseases

Low-carb diets can be advantageous in increased body weight , heart disease and treatment of diabetes according to new clinical studies .

low carb diets, diabetes, heart disease, low-carb

Low-carb diets can be advantageous in increased body weight , heart disease and treatment of diabetes according to new clinical studies .

Low carb diets still revolutionize the clinical practice of nutrition. Many scientists are now indicating low carb solutions for many disease states, according to Richard D. Feinman, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.

He also says "And practically speaking, some of the clinical results, particularly in diabetes, are quite remarkable."

"I have seen many patients who were heading for disaster and who have turned their disease and their lives around simply by avoiding foods they cannot tolerate: carbohydrates."

This simple, effective approach could reverse the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes," says Mary Vernon, MD, FAAFP, CMD and President of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, Known for her controlled carbohydrate challange w


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What if god could write you a blank check

What If God Could Write You A Blank Check?

I have read just about every possible book on creating a wealth and prosperity, yet having enough money always seemed to elude me. Even after I committed to living Gods vision in my life full-time, I was still living on the edge of financial disaster. I decided enough was enough and one night in my evening prayer, I asked The Lord to reveal to me what it was I was missing. I went to sleep knowing I was on the verge of a breakthrough.

The next morning, I was laying in bed ...

millionaire mindset, creating wealth

I have read just about every possible book on creating a wealth and prosperity, yet having enough money always seemed to elude me. Even after I committed to living Gods vision in my life full-time, I was still living on the edge of financial disaster. I decided enough was enough and one night in my evening prayer, I asked The Lord to reveal to me what it was I was missing. I went to sleep knowing I was on the verge of a breakthrough.

The next morning, I was laying in bed reading (one of my favorite past times) and God let me know what was missing in my world. He reminded me that as a child of The Most High, He has given me dominion over the earth, yet I didnt see money and relationships as part of that dominion. At that point I admitted I truly did believe that money and relationships had dominion over me.

This insight left my mouth hanging wide open! I had to admit that I did believe that money had control over me. My emotions. My social life. My business. My daughter and me. My home. Everything. I call these rough realizations spiritual spankings and God let me have it that day.

As I travel the country speaking, I am constantly baffled at how many of us do not do what God created us to do out of fear that it wont pay the bills. It is easy to be faithful when the bills are paid, but can we believe beyond our circumstances? Can we believe God gives us dominion over money? Will we believe God will open up the windows of heaven and pour blessings upon us if wed only listen to His urges that will lead us to financial prosperity beyond that which we can imagine? Your money flow will be blocked until you are fully on purpose and making the difference in the world you were born to make. How would your life change if you truly felt that living Gods vision is a blank check of joy, prosperity, and wealth?

Heres a few things to work on in relation to vision and money:

1. Practice detaching your emotional state from your bank account balance. Your self-worth is not your net worth. Will you choose to be joy-filled and light even if your money is funny or circulating elsewhere?

2. Practice being sincerely happy for those that are receiving blessings. Especially the very blessings that resemble what it is you really want.

3. Boldly ask for what it is that you need. Stay in the mindset of expectation that God will handle not only all of your familys needs, but their hearts desires. God promises that He will provide our needs. God always comes through. The real issue is our level of faith and belief. How would your life change if you only believed?
Practice these three steps and you will be freed up around moneyno matter what it looks like todayand well on your way to true wealth!

With All My Heart,


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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What identity theft can do to you

What Identity Theft Can Do To You

We often take our liberties for granted. What you know life to be can suddenly change if youve been a victim of identity theft.

While youve been busy with your day-to-day life someone could have stolen your personal information and racked up debts or committed fraud all with your name on it. What happens then can be anything from being denied employment, credit or even being arrested for a crime you didnt commit.

Identity theft is that serious.

Victims of ide...

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We often take our liberties for granted. What you know life to be can suddenly change if youve been a victim of identity theft.

While youve been busy with your day-to-day life someone could have stolen your personal information and racked up debts or committed fraud all with your name on it. What happens then can be anything from being denied employment, credit or even being arrested for a crime you didnt commit.

Identity theft is that serious.

Victims of identity theft can spend years paying back debts or fighting to restore their credit as well as their reputation. Finding out you are a victim of identity theft can be frightening and a source of anxiety even after youve resolved the issue.

According to a survey conducted by the FTC (Federal Trade and Commission) 4.6% of Americans involved in the survey responded that they had been a victim of identity theft within the past year. That means about 10 million Americans dealt with some form of identity theft from using existing credit cards to setting up new accounts or giving false identification when arrested for a crime.

It doesnt stop there. The cost of clearing up the theft ranged from an average of $500 to $1200 per victim. It took them on average 30 hours to resolve the issue while also costing time and money for businesses and agencies who assist these victims. What is being done to protect your privacy? Get free adware download and protect your online privacy.

With all the tools available to potential thieves along with our increasing reliance on paperless money transfers (credit cards, debit cards and online payments) we are incredibly susceptible to having this nightmare come true. What can you do to prevent identity theft? Get your free $97 PC Security book at

How can you reduce the risk and what do you do if it happens to you or your family?


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What hypnosis can and cannot do

What Hypnosis Can And Cannot Do

When it comes to defining what hypnosis can and cannot do, I can only share with you what I know as fact, first hand, based on my own experience. In my opinion, if hypnosis has any limitations, they will be a direct result of unrealistic expectations.

I have seen hypnosis work in conjunction with traditional medicine. I have seen significantly reduced impact of side effects to certain treatments like chemotherapy. I have seen a reduction in pain, and increased tolerance ...


When it comes to defining what hypnosis can and cannot do, I can only share with you what I know as fact, first hand, based on my own experience. In my opinion, if hypnosis has any limitations, they will be a direct result of unrealistic expectations.

I have seen hypnosis work in conjunction with traditional medicine. I have seen significantly reduced impact of side effects to certain treatments like chemotherapy. I have seen a reduction in pain, and increased tolerance to chemo and other treatments. I have witnessed a greatly improved ability to cope with the emotional strain of terminal illness with the help of hypnosis. But I have never seen hypnosis cure cancer. And I wouldnt state that it can. Maybe others have made such claims, and if in fact they have achieved such heights of success with hypnosis, they can and should attest to it. But ethically, I cannot speak to speculation or risk imposing any false hopes upon my clients.

Other questionable benefits of hypnosis include actual physical changes in the body like enlarged breasts, or increased height. Perhaps if I were to follow the pursuit of one such benefit for an extended period of time, by specializing in breast enlargement for instance, I might be able to report back to you that it does in fact work, and that I did achieve the desired result. But again, I can only attest to what I know with certainty.

In my personal and professional opinion, an ethical hypnotherapist will promise only what he knows he can deliver. There are enormous benefits from listening to self hypnosis CDs and downloads. Yet there is no need to resort to falsifying facts. Ive seen therapists selling hypnosis products for a wide range of issues. An unfortunate risk in making unrealistic promises is that people will lose faith in hypnosis altogether and deny themselves the benefits of this incredible tool because of the poor ethics of one or a few persons.

I certainly want people to try self hypnosis, and I wholehearted believe that everyone can benefit from it to some degree, but I also care to be able to live with myself, and respect the face in the mirror, and I would not go to unlimited lengths to get people to try it or purchase my product.

Those who have tried self hypnosis will need no further convincing, and those who havent should not have to fear false promises.


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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What hypertension means to you

What Hypertension Means To You

The trouble with high blood pressure today is it is so common and talked about so often that many people don't seem to treat it with the respect it merits. High blood pressure or hypertension is a killer and should be dealt with as a killer. The trouble with high blood pressure today is it is so common and talked about so often that many people don't seem to treat it with the respect it merits. High blood pressure or hypertension is a killer and should be dealt with as a killer.

Numerous scientists and doctors have spent a large amount of time, money and effort seeking to define what is a honest definition of Hypertension.

There have been large amounts of human population studies done on this subject which have generated to the doctors and scientists a broad range of blood pressure rates. Nevertheless the findings are usually skewed and the results differ from nation to nation and even from region to region within a specific country. Hence it's been resolved that the definition of hypertension can only

diastolic, hypertension, blood pressure, high, systolic

The trouble with high blood pressure today is it is so common and talked about so often that many people don't seem to treat it with the respect it merits. High blood pressure or hypertension is a killer and should be dealt with as a killer.

Numerous scientists and doctors have spent a large amount of time, money and effort seeking to define what is a honest definition of Hypertension.

There have been large amounts of human population studies done on this subject which have generated to the doctors and scientists a broad range of blood pressure rates. Nevertheless the findings are usually skewed and the results differ from nation to nation and even from region to region within a specific country. Hence it's been resolved that the definition of hypertension can only be arrived at through perpetual observation and experimentation.

Normal blood pressure is distinguished in a similar way to a normal body weight. This is the point at which the heart and other important procedures of the body such as the c


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What humans can do to help hypoallergenic dogs

What Humans Can Do to Help Hypoallergenic Dogs

Human beings are not the only species that can suffer from allergies. Dogs can also have allergic reactions to objects in the home, chemicals and pollutants in the air, dog food, and their own hair and dander. Finding the source of these allergies can be difficult especially if the dog is allergic to a few things. If you have a dog that suffers from allergies, you may notice that they sneeze when around harmful chemicals, vomit after eating, have skin rashes, patches of fur missing, runny nose and eyes, or they may show signs of fatigue or restlessness.

Noticing these signs is the first step to helping your dog lead a normal, healthy life. You should monitor your dog for a month to see how it reacts to its environment, its food, and its own hair and dander. Since dogs need to keep themselves clean, they may be swallowing allergens that can cause an allergic reaction. The best way to combat a hair and dander allergy is to bathe your dog once a month and brushing the dog once a day.

If your dog has a thick undercoating, it will trap allergens and dander and keep it from falling off the body. After a while the dander will build up and fall off or be swallowed. If you have allergies, this could be one of the causes. Brushing the undercoating every day will help remove excess hair before it is swallowed or falls on the floor or carpeting. This will reduce your allergy problems as well.

Sometimes chemicals in dog food can lead to food allergies. If your dog vomits at least once a day, then they may be allergic to the food they are eating. Hypoallergenic dog food is available. The food contains fewer chemicals while providing your dog with enough nutrition. Try this dog food to see if it will reduce the vomiting. Wet dog food may also help your dog digest their foods easily. If the vomiting does not stop, you should visit the vet to see if your dog has other health problems.

Dogs that are allergic to cleaning supplies, mold, and shampoo may be more difficult to treat. You can switch to natural cleaning supplies that do not contain bleach and other harmful chemicals. This may help your dog breathe a little better. You can also have your home tested for mold, which could be causing your own allergies, and you can switch dog shampoos and try one for hypoallergenic dogs. You should not wash your dog more than twice a month as you could make the dogs skin dry and flaky, which is why they are scratching and pulling more often than usual.

Taking care of a dog with allergies is easy once you have identified the problem. Asking a vet for advice is a good idea if you do not know where to begin. They will be able to ask the right questions and help you find the answers so you will be able to administer the proper treatments.



Secrets To Dog Training: Stop Your
Dog's Behavior Problems

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What hp has learned from blogging

What HP Has Learned From Blogging


Blogging has gone mainstream. It has reached a critical mass. Companies are starting to wake up to the mighty power of blogs and the heightened voice of the customer fueled by blogs. What HP has learned from blogging clearly validates this fact.

HP Commits A Blunder

Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries worldwide. It has also launched a blog program to further enable it to connect with customers and build beneficia...

internet, blogs, internet business, small business

Blogging has gone mainstream. It has reached a critical mass. Companies are starting to wake up to the mighty power of blogs and the heightened voice of the customer fueled by blogs. What HP has learned from blogging clearly validates this fact.

HP Commits A Blunder

Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries worldwide. It has also launched a blog program to further enable it to connect with customers and build beneficial long-term relationships. However, its blog program met a snag when one of its blogger, David Gee, head of worldwide marketing for HPs management software business deleted a negative comment on his blog. It elicited a damaging backlash from the blogging community.

It all started when an HP customer posted a legitimate comment on David Gees blog about the not-so-good experience he had when he upgraded his media center personal computer. The comment was immediately erased and his HP passport (requirement to be able to leave comments) was revoked. Angered, he retorted by blogging about the incident. The tech blogging community, pretty tight and fast got wind of the news and a storm ensued. David Gee was taken to task and the comment was reinstated. He apologized and admitted that it was a humbling learning experience. He further reiterated that HP is making an all-out effort to maintain an honest and open dialogue with customers. They want to hear from the customers.

The incident has taught HP a valuable lesson in dealing with customer comments. Understanding that there are inherent risks involved in blogging, HP has developed a blogging policy and a set of guidelines for blogging responsibilities to mitigate these risks. Acknowledging that negative comments are inevitable, HPs strategy is to politely respond further expounding the facts as the blogger sees them. Keeping the dialogue constructive and flowing forward instead of engaging in a useless and unfavorable debate will be standard policy.

Companies should realize that simply deleting critical comments can bring damaging repercussions if found out. For one, company credibility and reputation will suffer. Companies should think carefully how to handle negative or critical comments. Unlike an individual blogger, corporate bloggers are answerable to management, shareholders, fellow employees and most of all the customers.

Handling Negative Comments

Discussion and the ensuing commentaries are what makes blogging a different and exciting medium. Blogging, at its best, is a two way conversation. But getting negative or critical comments do happen in the blogosphere. When blogging publicly, offering opinions and views to the world, negative responses will occur. Some are just constructive criticisms but others can really be downright nasty. So, how does one deal with negative comments? Simply delete them?

Dealing with comments means identifying and handling inappropriate or off-topic comments. For a start, it helps to have a standard policy on comments and privacy. By allowing comments, readers should understand that the company will protect their privacy by not displaying or using their e-mail address, even if it might be required for making comments. General rules and guidelines on what will or will not be allowed on the corporate blog should be set. It is well-advised to have a Legal Policies page that summarizes all legal issues and stands displayed on the main site. This includes the Privacy Policies and Comment Policies. There are some corporate blogs that incite debates or attract controversy. It is wise to be clear on what the company will tolerate, say, name calling might not be allowed. The scope of topics, language, allegations, negative discourse, and arguments should all be clearly stated in the Comments Policy.

With a clear policy, it will be easier to handle a negative comment. If you (blogger) receive a negative comment, make sure you fully understand what is being said. It is easy to read something critical and hastily write a response that might not be as enlightening as it should be thereby causing more trouble. If the negative comment is on topic and calls for more discussion, provide the necessary information, do not delete it. Comments, good or bad, are good for business. Most businesses adhere to this adage. A negative comment gives you the opportunity to explain, persuade your readers and strengthen your stand about a certain issue. You will be surprised at the things you may discover about how readers perceive your products or services.

If you filter out negative comments, there is no true dialogue and thus no way to change the commenters mind about your product or service or his perception of your business as a whole. Use negative but legitimate comments as a medium to demonstrate how your company handles customer complaints or issues. Before responding, think long and hard. Consider you response carefully. Do take time to evaluate the best response that will benefit the customer and your company as well. Bear in mind that the purpose of your blog is to build and foster lasting relationships with your customers and to connect with potential customers as well. On the other hand, if a disparaging comment does not provide any help to the topic of the post, you can delete it.

You can get rid of comments you deem offensive. Offensive may mean different things to different people. To some, offensive may mean treating someone with irreverence or contempt while to others it may mean any comment that goes against their personal beliefs or blog content and purpose. Again, you decide.

If you feel the need to respond to a negative comment, respond kindly and show your willingness to understand. A negative comment can turn into something positive by making an effort to take in the point of view of the commenter.

Sometimes, you will get negative comments simply because you are wrong. Admit it and learn from it. You will earn the respect of your readers if you own up to your mistakes. You and your companys credibility standing will even shoot up.

If you do not want negative comments to appear on your blog, you can always turn off the comments feature on your blog. The ball is in your hand.


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What home business systems can do for you

What Home Business Systems Can Do For You

The dynamic home based entreprenuer is constantly on the lookout for anything and everything that can increase their profitability. This is as it should be. Any type of business which does not strive for excellence can soon expect to be overshadowed in our increasingly competative world by those that do.

Whether you are a home business veteran or are just starting out, you need to understand what home business systems can do for you. A good home business system could hold ...


The dynamic home based entreprenuer is constantly on the lookout for anything and everything that can increase their profitability. This is as it should be. Any type of business which does not strive for excellence can soon expect to be overshadowed in our increasingly competative world by those that do.

Whether you are a home business veteran or are just starting out, you need to understand what home business systems can do for you. A good home business system could hold the key to increasing your competitiveness and ensuring your profitability in the years to come.

What is a home business system? Put simply, a home business system is a set-up which allows an entrepreneur to earn money from home in an efficient manner. There are a multitude of these systems available, and the one you choose will be directly related to what your interests are and to what you really want to do. The best home business systems will have a few things in common however. These characteristics will include:

Simplicity. A good home business system must be easy to understand. If it is too complex, it runs the risk of not working at all. An excellent system is simple, but it isnt simplistic. It must show clearly just how it can help the bottom line. In other words, you should be able to see how you will be making your money, how fast you will be making your money, and what you can do to make more money.

Foresight. In other words, the home business system has a long-term strategy. In any business, complacency kills. When a company is no longer willing or able to innovate, it begins to lose market share. A good home business system provides for a dedicated program of research and development. It doesnt really matter what industry you are in. You might be in computers, or you might be in discount retailing. You still need to regularly come up with good ideas and implement them, if you are to have any long-term profitability.

There are two basic ways of acquiring a home business system. You can either create your own, or you can buy one. If you are starting your own home based business, you will most probably have to create one, and it will should cater to who you are as a person and what you want to accomplish. If you choose to franchise or act as a salesperson to someone else, you will probably use the system which they already have in place. In either case, it is important that you have a system to follow. It gives you direction and clarifies your goals. However, dont get so caught up in playing by the rules that you forget to inject your own personal brand on your work.

In short, every business needs a simply, yet dynamic system to enable it to move forward. Put this in place as you set up your business and you can help to ensure your home based business gets off to a flying start.


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What home based business is right for you

What Home-Based Business Is Right For You?

Are you looking for a home based business or any other way to make money working at home? Confused by all the advertisements? Read more to learn how to sift through the junk and find the right opportunity for you!

home business, work from home, business opportunities, telecommute, wahm

If you are looking for a home based business or any other way to make money working at home, then you have probably been overwhelmed with the information available online. You cant search for work at home on the internet without being bombarded by a million and one ads all of which claim to be the BEST work at home opportunity.

So how do you know which one really is the best? Well, there are a lot of factors, but Ive tried my best to highlight some of the items to consider before jumping into a new business venture.

My first recommendation is to answer the following questions as honestly as you can:

*How much time are you willing to invest in a job/business?
*Do you want to work 100% from home or would you be able to work outside the home a set number of hours per week?
*How much money are you comfortable with spending to start a business?
*How much money do you expect to make from your business?
*Do you enjoy working with people


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What holds you back to start your own home business

What Holds You Back To Start Your Own Home Business?

You know this time of year you got a lot of time where you can relax and reflect about the year that is coming to an end and a new year is almost waiting outside to door. The commerce is slowing down, everyone has spend a lot of money and the people shovel the rest of their hard earned money to buy their chicken or turkey for the end-of-the-year-dinner.

Sometimes it feels strange that beside of this high consuming society there are still so many people around the globe who...



You know this time of year you got a lot of time where you can relax and reflect about the year that is coming to an end and a new year is almost waiting outside to door. The commerce is slowing down, everyone has spend a lot of money and the people shovel the rest of their hard earned money to buy their chicken or turkey for the end-of-the-year-dinner.

Sometimes it feels strange that beside of this high consuming society there are still so many people around the globe who sparely have money to spend. When I say spend I mean the money last within many families only for the consumption of food, cloth, the rent and sometimes a little bit extra for their children. Isnt that sadunfortunately a great part of this global population live in warmer zones of the globe and they dont have to care about heating expenses, warm cloth because with what they have they can manage to live the whole year around.

Imagine this people have the opportunity even if it is only one member per family, to start their own home based business, wouldnt that be greatthat they can pick up even so a small part of the big pay that is laying around and ready to cut off a small piece.

Im damn sure that there are many people out there who can take advantage of the opportunity to run their own business, because the internet made it possible, the internet is the only place where you can open your own business without spending real money, if you have no money you just have to spend your time. If you are without a decent job or decent income you have a great asset and this asset is your time, dont forget that, you know the saying: Time is money, so why dont you take this asset and carry it to your bank account within a few days from now.

You only have to catch the opportunity and start your own businessI mean you have to take action, without action you wont get nowhere in this present world. If you are convinced that you can run your own online business from home so dont waitdont procrastinate and go ahead and do the most important step in your lifeACTION.

You know I met so many people on my travel and I talked to so many people around the globe and I tell you this, most of them like to kick their boss in the back and say goodbye, but the only thing that holds them back is procrastination, yes, you heard it correctly I say it againprocrastination. You know its a pity that so many people with great value and courage do not have the guts to step forward just one step it doesnt take more to start walking their journey to wealth and success.

Are you one of them, are you content with the little you have or are you the one who likes to fight for something better for you and your beloved family, I guess you are; and this is what I like the most of you; you are a fighter and you dont give up and you know that you can have success in your life, you just have to try it.

You know this is what I like most with the internet you can run your business from home or even on vacation it takes only a few hours a day. You can spend more time with your spouse and your family because you have them only a door-step away.

You know, yesterday I read a mail from my brother and he told me: Anton this coming year is our year, we have already booked a nice house near a lake where we will spend our holidays and Ill take my computer with me and Ill dedicate a few hours a day to my business and the rest of the day I will fish and relax and enjoy my vacation. The best thing is during vacation Im not worried because the money will flow in.

Wouldnt that be great if you can do the same with your business? So, why dont you start as I told you before it only takes one step to get out of procrastination.

If you are not sure what business you want to start with take a look to a site I highly recommend you because they do almost everything for you, they set up your site, they give you a full 30 day training and I tell you this is the best training Ive ever seen.

They explain you step by step what to do and how to do it and if you stick word for word with it you cant fail.

And I tell you if you have no money and you invest in that business your most valuable assetYOUR TIMEI tell you that you can not fail its impossiblethe only thing it takes action and persistence thats all and I guaranty you that you are on your way to success.


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What happens when you visit an internet website

What Happens When You Visit An Internet Website?

Whenever you type an address into your web browser, magic happens. Learn how here.

web hosting

Time For Some Alphabet Soup

Whenever you type an address into your web browser, or click on a link in a web page, you are making a request for a certain document. Handled by the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), your request is sent over the Internet to the server that holds the document you want. Assuming all goes well, the server will respond by sending the document, usually a web page consisting of text and graphics.

Exactly what is HTTP? It is part of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite, and is used by a "client," such as a web browser, to establish a connection with the server that hosts a particular website. The server monitors TCP port 80 as it waits for incoming requests.

Connections on the Internet that allow 2 computers to exchange data are created by the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP is equipped to identify the requesting computer, and to properly transmit data to its destination.

Server To Web Browser


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What happens when the money is gone...we look for a job

What Happens When The Money Is Gone...We Look For A Job!

Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you lost all the money you had.

surveys,make money,make money online

Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you lost all the money you had. In the past it may not have been a problem, but you might be a little older now. If you are 50 years old or older do you think your chances of being hired are as good as they were at 25? You will be lucky to find a job period, but if you do find one you will be lucky if you can cover your expenses.

Should You Be Worried?...I Think So

The World is changing, with automation the demand for workers has dropped. The cost of gasoline right now is lowering our standard of life, and gasoline prices are predicted to rise even higher. When gasoline rises almost everything else rises, have you looked at your grocery bill lately? Yes you need to be concerned, because even if you have a job now you may be looking for another one just to pay your bills.

You may still think you could pick up a little extra income, but here in the United States, we have people coming across our borders taking any kind of job they can get. So does that


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What happens when optimization becomes overdone

What Happens When Optimization Becomes Overdone?

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This is the rule that every search engine optimization professional and web master must follow to avoid being severely punished by search engines. And believe me; search engines do punish web sites that overstep the bounds of good and acceptable SEO practices. You can end up being banned from search engine indexes and if this happens, where would you be? Nobody likes being made a fool of and search engines are no exception.

--- ...

seo, search engine optimisation, search engine optimization, seo tips, seo advice

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This is the rule that every search engine optimization professional and web master must follow to avoid being severely punished by search engines. And believe me; search engines do punish web sites that overstep the bounds of good and acceptable SEO practices. You can end up being banned from search engine indexes and if this happens, where would you be? Nobody likes being made a fool of and search engines are no exception.

--- Cloaking and Camouflaged Text ---

One very black hat or very unacceptable search engine optimization practice is cloaking. Cloaking occurs when a web master creates two sets of web pages. One set is for search engine spiders and the other set is for human visitors. When a search engine query is made, the search engines will browse through their indexes to find a result that would be relevant to the surfers query. When the web site detects that a search engine sweep is happening, it will show the set that is packed full of keywords relevant to the search query. This guarantees that the web site gets returned at the top of the results list or at least near the top of the list. When the web surfer opens the link to the web site, the correct set of web pages is presented. The visitor would then find out that the web site does not contain the content he or she is looking for. Sometimes, the content is not even related to the query.

Camouflaged text is incorporating in your web site body lots of keywords that have the same color as the background. The visitors do not see these camouflaged texts when they read the content of the website but the search engines are fooled into returning the web site at the top of the results list because of the wealth of relevant keywords it apparently has.

Cloaking and camouflage text are very risky optimization techniques that carry dire penalties when a web site is caught.

--- Keyword Padding ---

It is good to have more keywords in your pages because the more keywords you incorporate in the body, the higher your page ranking will be when that keyword or related keyword is used in a search engine query. However, have you ever read an article so keyword rich that you cannot understand it? This is the work of SEO experts who interpret keyword dense to mean keyword packed. This is something that search engines frown upon, and due penalties are given for such infractions.

Remember that 3 to 7 percent keyword density is acceptable but anything beyond that can only be considered keyword padding. And also keep in mind that keyword packed articles are not fit for human eyes. You may be able to get to the top of search engine ranking, but for what? Your visitors are likely to get exasperated when they try and fail to understand what your site content is trying to say. Thus, you are not likely to get any sales, and increasing web traffic without increasing customers is an exercise in futility.

--- Redundant Content ---

Some web masters lift content from one page of the web site and paste it to another page or to other pages of the same site. It is these web masters belief that doing so would be able to increase keyword density without keyword padding. And with this the relevance of the web site in keyword queries increases. This is another overdone optimization effort that does no good because search engines do check for redundant and copied content!


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What happens when hypothyroidism is left untreated

What Happens When Hypothyroidism is Left Untreated

Hypothyroidism is generally a lifetime illness that requires constant treatment using synthetic levothyroxine. The medication ensures that you have adequate amounts of thyroid hormones. If the disorder is left without treatment the low levels of thyroid hormone will harm the body, causing slow general metabolic rate. Listed below are a number of of the consequences of an untreated instance of hypothyroidism.

The thyroid hormones are important in the functioning of the heart as they help in controlling the heart rate and output. thyroid hormones relaxes the heart muscle tissues ensuring that it is capable to pump appropriate volume of blood around the body. Low levels of thyroid hormones is perilous to the heart as it may reduce the heart rate significantly. Because of this, the blood vessel walls become rigid and blood pressure rises, and may result in hypertension.

For the brain, hypothyroidism can lead to depression due to its incapacitating consequences on those suffering from it. Left without treatment, it can also trigger the deterioration of the brain and result in dementia, wherein the person has a hard time focusing and recalling past events.

The reproduction system is additionally at risk when hypothyroidism is left untreated. For women, it can affect the ovulation process resulting to unusual menstrual cycles. Women that are pregnant with hypothyroidism confronts a huge danger of miscarriage. It may also compromise the development of the fetus. Therefore, it may cause birth defects on children born to mothers with hypothyroidism and result in their stunted developmental growth.

The worse case scenario for an neglected instance of hypothyroidism is a serious, life-threatening state called myxedema coma. The symptoms of this condition are hypothermia, decreasing functioning of the lung, constipation, delirium, urine retention, slow heart rate, stupor, seizures, fluid formation, and eventually coma. It is a rare state which can be activated by experiencing intense stress like surgery, infections, heart failure, stroke, trauma and extreme cold. Other medicines like amiodarone, lithium, tranquilizers, and phenothiazines, as well as continuous iodine exposure may also result in this condition. Myxedema coma is an emergency state and immediate hospital treatment is very necessary. Although it is a rare condition, mortality rates are very high, which range from 30% to 60% with older patients.


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What happens before during and after a lasik eye surgery procedure

What Happens Before, During, And After A Lasik Eye Surgery Procedure?

Since LASIK was approved by the FDA in the early 1990s, the procedure has grown to become the most widely-performed eye surgery in the United States. LASIK is a surgical procedure performed on the eye to correct an individuals vision and reduce dependency on eyeglasses or contact lenses. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, which literally means to "reshape the cornea from within using a laser. The procedure has broad applications to treat refractive err...

lasik, eye surgery

Since LASIK was approved by the FDA in the early 1990s, the procedure has grown to become the most widely-performed eye surgery in the United States. LASIK is a surgical procedure performed on the eye to correct an individuals vision and reduce dependency on eyeglasses or contact lenses. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, which literally means to "reshape the cornea from within using a laser. The procedure has broad applications to treat refractive errors of the eye and can be used to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (an elongated cornea).

LASIK works by improving the ability of the eye to properly focus light. In a perfectly formed eye light entering the eye bends and directly hits retina, allowing the eye to produce a clear image. The majority of people, though, have imperfectly shaped corneas. Imperfectly shaped corneas do not properly refract the light on the retina, with the result that the viewed image is blurry and distorted. L


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What happens after the lasik procedure

What Happens After the Lasik Procedure?

After you are fully prepared, the Lasik procedure takes less than fifteen minutes to complete for both eyes. This will seem a remarkably short time to have a permanent change to your vision, and in this regard Lasik seems almost too good to be true. In addition, most Lasik patients notice improved vision immediately or within a few hours after the Lasik procedure has been performed.

This does not mean that you should expect to walk out of the Lasik clinic with perfect vision and without any need to treat your eyes carefully for the next several days. It also means that some Lasik patients will need more time to see the total results for the Lasik procedure, sometimes as much as six months for their vision to stabilize permanently. Anticipate good vision, and take the time and care for the operation to produce its best result.

Usually the Lasik physician will give the post-procedure patient a protective shield for their eyes. This should be worn as long as the physician specifies, and usually only at night for one or two nights. He may also recommend sunglasses during the day if you experience sensitivity to light after the Lasik procedure is done. Discuss these options in detail at the Lasik center before the operation, so you know how to best take care of your eyes.

Many patients at the Lasik centers often get eye drops to keep their eyes moist for some time after the Lasik procedure is done. Again, this varies by patient and by physician, so ask about your particular situation, especially if you are prone to eye dryness on an occasional basis even before the Lasik procedure. Also, it might be helpful to keep any ceiling fans or other air circulation devices off in the household for the first few days.

Most clients can return to work and normal daily activities the day after the Lasik procedure is done, and do not require any extra assistance from other friends or family members. There is usually little to no post-operative discomfort after Lasik has been performed. It is recommended that patients go to sleep as quickly as possible after the Lasik surgery in order to minimize any post-operative discomfort. Upon waking, improved vision from the Lasik corrections should already start to be visible.

This improved vision may not be the final product of the Lasik procedure. The improvement to nearsightedness after Lasik is usually quick and dramatic, though there may be some problems in reading easily for the first few days after the Lasik operation. This is perfectly normal, and should clear up before the week is out.
Patients that use Lasik to improve their farsightedness usually find a dramatic improvement the day after the Lasik surgery. It might be that there is a temporary blurring of objects in the distance, but this will resolve itself. If this condition remains for more than a few days, the Lasik physician can recommend and prescribe temporary glasses until vision is stabilized.

These are all typical post-operative recommends for a Lasik patient, in order to feel comfortable with what to expect after the Lasik procedure. As with any medical treatment, get all of your questions answered by the staff of your Lasik center for your individual case.


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What happened on june 21

What Happened on June 21

June 21 is always the 172nd day of the year, unless it's a leap year in which it is the 173rd day of the year. This is on a Gregorian calendar, which leaves 193 days remaining until January 1st, where a new year beings. June 21 marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. That means that June 21 is typically the day of the year year with the longest hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere and the shortest in the southern hemisphere

June, june, june bug, henry and june, wendy june, june 2005, june wilkinson, birthstone june, june carter cash, june lake, day in june seven sunny

June 21 is always the 172nd day of the year, unless it's a leap year in which it is the 173rd day of the year. This is on a Gregorian calendar, which leaves 193 days remaining until January 1st, where a new year beings. June 21 marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. That means that June 21 is typically the day of the year year with the longest hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere and the shortest in the southern hemisphere.

You can tell already that June 21 is an important date to mark for several reasons. Here are several events that have happened on June 21 in the past:

<list><li>524 - Burgundy triumphs over the french in the Battle of Vezerone
<li>1749 - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada is founded.
<li>1788 - New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution and as a result is admitted as the 9th state in the United States.
<li>1798 - The British


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What grabs your reader

What Grabs Your Reader?


It is the dramatic question that grabs your reader and holds him or her. It creates a narrow path that forces the reader into suspense that wont let go. It moves the story forward. All bestseller-kind-of novels have it.

Have you noticed that untrained eyes want you to explain everything in that first line, first paragraph. But it is the Dramatic Question that creates the hook.

In my novel, the Mayors Wife Wore Sapphires, a mystery/thriller sprinkled with social comm...

writers, novels, dramatic question

It is the dramatic question that grabs your reader and holds him or her. It creates a narrow path that forces the reader into suspense that wont let go. It moves the story forward. All bestseller-kind-of novels have it.

Have you noticed that untrained eyes want you to explain everything in that first line, first paragraph. But it is the Dramatic Question that creates the hook.

In my novel, the Mayors Wife Wore Sapphires, a mystery/thriller sprinkled with social commentary, I didnt want it to be clear what was going on. I wanted a question that would create a hook. Even when writing the "who, what, when, where, why, how," I didnt want it to be cut and dried. I wanted people to wonder. Heres what I mean?

In my country, men like him disappear in the thick of night.

(I started in the middle of action. This man is not from the United States. This is a threatening statement about someone we dont know.)

The guest pitched forward from the shadows in the small, but elegant room. A glint of light hit his hair, as slick and black as a crows feathers.

(That dark-haired man is unsavory. He wants someone to disappear. Who?)

I could have written it in a pedestrian telling way instead of an action story way(The man, Michael DAngelo was Bolivia. His hair was black and he was intending to kill the mayor of Compton. He said, In my country we kill guys like the mayor. Well, it seems far away. Kind of distant. To me, its not intriguing.

The host didnt look up, but smashed the days paper in his fleshy hands, then threw it on
the fine mahogany desk before him. A small Asian woman stood behind him, massaging his
broad caramel-colored shoulders. The masseuse balled her fist and kneaded a knot near his spine. The host gritted his teeth and groaned, his eyes drifting to the luxury yachts docked in the marina below. Then he peered into the fiery night skies that stretched endlessly southward.
What do you intend to do? he asked, trying to read his guests face, but the mans dark, piercing eyes guarded his secrets.

(What secret does he have? How does it tie into this person he wants to get rid of?)

The guest picked up the Compton Chronicle and stared at the headline: SEPTEMBER 1, 1981COUNCIL MEETING UPSET RUMORED.

The host flicked his hand, and the masseuse quickly left the room. He grabbed a white terry robe from the plush mauve chair behind him, pulled it on, and paused a moment, listening. Only the sloshing and squeaking of the yachts in the dark marina waters filled the silence between the two men. Now, he was sure they were completely alone.

The slightest trace of West Indian accent became audible. You see, we must be so careful on this one. All of America, Black and White, is waiting for the next Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy. Someone who can inspire a nation. He bit the tip off a Flora Fina cigar and spat it from his tongue. Most poor slobs realize theyll never be a hero, but they sure as hell want to know one they can brag about. He rolled the cigar between his fingers, never lighting it.

You know, they say a truly great hero comes around every twenty years or so. In the forties, you had Roosevelt. In the sixties, you had King. In the eighties, they will have me, he chuckled. Ill give Black people something they never hadpower. Im not talking church talk, Black pride, all that. Im talking about money and clout. Owning buildings. CEOs of Fortune 500s. Rich Black folks on every block in every city. He laughed. Hell, they may even teach a class about me at Harvard one day!

I leave the pretty words to you, Seor. Im only here to handle our crisis.

(What crisis? I need to know?)

The host was disappointed by his guests cool response. All Im saying is, I have an important future to protect.

The guest nodded, seemingly unconvinced. But the host refused to be deterred by anyone blinded to his vision. Every day of his life, he had sworn hed become rich and famous, a respected part of mainstream society, as good as any man. Even if it killed him. It was a desire that boiled deep inside him.

His guest answered in a heavy Spanish accent. The only problem with men like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson is that they never put money in poor peoples pockets. Ah, but our plan

The host cut him off. Compton people need more than a few dimes in their pockets! We have to be smart with this one! Give them what they want a sense of respect. Itll cost us nothing!
Pardon, Seor, but there is no sense of respect in LA County taking over the city, and that is the rumor.

Damn the rumor! Theyll have to get past me first! (Who is this?)

If the mayor holds up the hundred-fifty million on Tuesday, they could.

The host grabbed the crumpled newspaper from the desk and staredCOUNCIL MEETING UPSET RUMORED. He shivered. Public attention at such a critical time. Damn!

Studying his words carefully, trying to reassure himself, he said, The mayor would never do anything to hurt Compton. I know that. (We finally find out theyre talking about the Mayor of Compton)

Absentmindedly, he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a black velvet jewelry box. As he opened it, spikes of glitter shot across the dimness of the stately, furnished study. Inside was a platinum necklace with seven perfectly cut sapphires, each encrusted with pave diamonds. A large sea-blue teardrop hung from its center with enough beauty to enhance a queens bosom. (Who is that for? Why?)

Exquisite, the guest said.

Yes, it is. The host couldnt take his eyes off of the sparkling gems.

Im sure your wife will love it, the guest added.

At that, the host snapped the box shut, slid it back into the drawer, and locked it with a small brass key. He quickly moved to the glass door and slid it open. As the night mist hit his face, he bit down on his Flora Fina cigar and turned to the guest, No, the mayor would never do such a thing.

But what about the mayors wife? (The guest leaves us with this question?)

The two men exchanged a look

Some good writers leave us with a question without every asking a direct question. But at least one strong question must be in your opening. It is element that attracts then grabs the reader. It is the element in your chapters that will keep them to the end.


How To Write Your Own Ebook In 7 Days

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What Good and Bad Fat can do to Your Health

You can improve your health by consuming the right amount of fat and the right mix of fat types.



High consumption of fat or of the combination fat and carbohydrates causes obesity, heart disease and other health problems. However the different types of fat have very different effects on the health. Here is a survey of the different fat categories and their effects:

Mono-unsaturated fat - This type of fat prevents heart disease and circulatory disease in moderate amounts.

Omega-6-poly-unsaturated fat - This fat type prevents heart disease if you do not consume too much of it. However it causes inflammatory reactions. This type of reactions are benign when they are moderate and when they are provoked to fight disease. But a constant high inflammatory response is dangerous, and can cause rheumatism, heart trouble and cancer. A very high consumption of this type of fat is therefore dangerous.

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What Goes Into Determining My Auto Premium?

Insurance companies consider many factors before they provide you with an auto insurance quote. Here is some of the basic information that goes into compiling your auto quote:

Age: Insurance companies like older more experienced drivers. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), 16 to 19 years olds are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in a car crash. Premiums tend to decrease as the young driver ages.

Type of Car: Brand new, expensive, fast cars are more expensive to insure than older, slower cars. Check to see if the car you're interested in insuring is a high risk car, meaning that it is often stolen or vandalized. For instance, in 2004, the 1995 Honda Civic was the most stolen car in the US according to a report released in November 2005 by the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Discuss this with your insurance agent before you select a car. The cost of insuring it might determine how much car you can afford.

Driving Record: Clean driving record is important to getting a lower rate. If you do have a violation, attend a driver's education class. This may help to reduce your rate. Some insurance companies will not insure drivers with very poor driving records.

Credit Score: Yes, that's right. Credit score. Your credit score is also used when securing insurance. It is called an insurance score. Studies indicate that the way a person manages their finances is a good predictor of the potential for insurance claims, therefore they charge a premium in accordance with the risk they are assuming. According to statistics, people with lower insurance scores are more likely to file claims.

Deductibles: The higher the deductible, the more you save in premium. Go as high as you can afford.

Underwriting guidelines vary slightly from company to company, so get more than one automobile quote and compare.


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What goes in must find a way out

What Goes In Must Find a Way Out

There has been a story written about a lady who suffered a traumatic experience. She went into a coma, never expected to return to reality as we know it. Her reality became a recollection of stories written by a well-known author of many years past. Her mind lived in the stories she had read. This was discovered because she did occasionally speak, but not in conversation or in response. She spoke sentences from the stories, never more, never less.

The memory is complex, often misunderstood and underrated. People who suffer from coma, psychological complexities, children with learning disabilities, and people who get amnesia are often a mental mystery. Amnesia confounds those who watch a friend or loved one who suffers from it.

No one can ever really know how much someone in a coma can hear, understand, and remember. Children are often misunderstood before being diagnosed with a particular learning disability. Someone with a brain tumor may have plenty of information stored in their memories that eventually becomes too muddled to process. They lose their ability to make sense of the memories they contain.

Social phobia is another crippler of memory. When put in the spotlight, a person can become physically distressed, sometimes severely suffering by having anxiety or panic attacks. It is embarrassing to say the least. The confidence level drops dramatically, making it extremely hard to overcome this fear. But it is an irrational fear, and there is hope. A determined person can be taught to overcome a phobia such as this by putting themselves in situations that allow for gradual building of confidence. Each small step towards recovery is a step towards a stronger self-esteem and opens the door to endless opportunities. Thus, the memory loss connected to such can eventually become something the person is able to joke about. This, in turn, can put others at ease, who have suffered the same set-backs, and give them hope and courage to laugh at their fear.

Anytime a person is put on the spot, it can cause temporary memory loss. Singing in front of a church congregation, however small, can make a person feel as though the whole world is watching and waiting for them to make a mistake. Giving an oral book report in class can terrify young children. Stage fright can cripple a potential acting career. It is possible that a person can overcome such paranoia with coaching and the willpower to succeed.

If you are faced with making an impression in a work environment, the embarrassment of forgetting a name could become the basis for teasing at your expense. Try some helpful word association. Learn to choose words that describe new people you meet to help you recall their names. An example would be "Silly Sally" or "Hyper Henry". All it takes is some effort and tricks to strengthen your ability to remember. Practice and dedication are the keys. Eventually, what goes in will find it much easier to make its way back out!


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What Ginseng Is and What It Does

Ginseng is the dried root of one of several species of the Araliaceae family of herbs. The most commonly used type is Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A., Meyer), often sold as Panax, Chinese, or Korean ginseng. Closely related to Asian ginseng is American..

Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, American Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Japanese Ginseng

What Ginseng Is:
Ginseng is the dried root of one of several species of the Araliaceae family of herbs. The most commonly used type is Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A., Meyer), often sold as Panax, Chinese, or Korean ginseng. Closely related to Asian ginseng is American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.), which is sometimes preferred for its milder effects. Siberian ginseng, also called eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus Rupr ex Maxim), isn't as closely related to the other two and contains a series of unrelated compounds. Eleuthero is also considered weaker in action and is a less expensive ingredient. Ginseng-containing foods and dietary supplements are typically made from a powder or extract of ginseng root.

What It Does:
Ginseng is widely used in the United States to improve overall energy and vitality, particularly during times of fatigue or stress. While there is not much clinical evidence to support an energy boosting effect, t


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Receiving and buying gift for some one can be a great experience. Gifts are meant to be given whether its a birthday, engagement, wedding party or any other special occasion.

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Are you confused of the type of gift you would like to gift your friend for his birthday, engagement or wedding? Selecting a gift for someone can actually be a difficult task. Sometimes you might find a gift at one go but sometimes it may take hours before you could actually find one.

Gift something that can make the person a shopping spree. Take into consideration the persons like and dislikes before deciding over the gift. Gifts make everyone feel special. Hence its important that you be selective in your choice. Dont just give away something as you couldnt find time to shop.

Gift Ideas
Receiving and buying gift for some one can be a great experience. Gifts are meant to be given whether its a birthday, engagement, wedding party or any other special occasion. You need to find a descriptive gift that can be perfect for the occasion. For instance, if its your friends engagement party you need to gift the couple something useful f


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