الأربعاء، 13 أبريل 2011

Dandruff what causes dandruff

Dandruff - What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about them so that we can keep our scalp squeaky clean from dandruff.


Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about them so that we can keep our scalp squeaky clean from dandruff.

Dandruff and fungus-

Dandruff is a kind of Seborrheic dermatitis and it is believed that dandruff is caused by a fungus that normally lives on the human skin and feeds on skin oils. During dandruff this fungus known as malassezia multiplies manifold and creates problems in the scalp. Why a fungus, which otherwise lies dormant, suddenly flares up and multiplies is not precisely known.

Dandruff and other causes-

Other causes that are held responsible for dandruff are - stress, poor hygiene of scalp, over use of shampoos, under use of shampoo, chemical treatments that harm the ha


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Dandruff home remedy

Dandruff home remedy

Dandruff is a condition whereby the scalp flakes or falls like snow flakes which may eventually settle on the clothes, shoulders and even on the face. This condition/disease can be alleviated by use of various methods which may include the following home remedies:

Lemon juice is one common home remedy that can be used in the treatment of dandruff. After carefully washing hair, extracted fresh lemon juice can be used in rinsing the hair and this will make it non-sticky and leave it glowing. A paste made from lemon juice and fullers earth can also be used in treating this condition. The paste is used by massaging the scalp which will eventually alleviate dandruff from the scalp/hair and leave it clear while the hair will be glowing. Lemon juice in the paste will break excessive sebum that may have collected on the scalp and fullers earth will cleanse the scalp by removing dead skin cells which may be present. For best results, this should be applied once a week for sometime until the dandruff has cleared completely. In some cases coconut oil can be mixed with lemon juice as this will make it more effective.

Fenugreek is another good home remedy for dandruff. This remedy for dandruff is prepared from fenugreek seeds and this is done by soaking the seeds in water overnight or for twelve hours. This is then followed by grinding the seeds into a fine paste and it is this paste which is used in treating dandruff. The paste is applied on the scalp and left for about an hour before washing it off. Washing should be done with a natural soap and rinsed with clean water. This remedy is very effective to those people who are suffering from dry dandruff and for better results, it is required that the remedy be used twice a week for the first two weeks followed by once a week for another two weeks. The water that was used in soaking the seeds can be used as an after shower as this is likely to help in toning the hair.

Beet can be used as a home remedy for dandruff at home by using the roots and tops of beets. This is done by boiling the tops and leaves in water and the water is the one that is used in the treatment of dandruff. Then using the water as a massage liquid of the scalp using the tips of the fingers. This should be done every night and it is advisable that white beets be used as they tend to be more effective than other types of beets. Caution should be observed when using this home remedy as it is likely to stain pillowcases and bedsheets.

Green gram powder can also be used as a home remedy for dandruff. This is applied by washing hair with this powder about two times a week. For better results, this powder can be mixed with curd to enhance its effectiveness.

Snake gourd can also be used in the treatment of dandruffs at home. The juice from snake gourd is rubbed over the scalp and left for sometime before it can be washed off. This juice can be mixed with beet juice in order to increase its effectiveness.

Olive oil and almond oil as natural/home remedies for dandruff. This is used in massaging the scalp. After the massage the oil should be left until the burning sensation is felt and it is at this point that that the scalp is washed and rinsed.

Cider vinegar is the most common home remedy for dandruff. This is usually included in water that is used in final rinsing of hair after it has been washed properly.

Eggs can also be used as home remedies for dandruff. This is prepared by making a mixture of eggs and water which is then applied on wet hair. This is followed by massaging the scalp for about twenty minutes with the mixture. After that the hair is rinsed with warm water and this should be done regularly until dandruff clear.

In some cases rays from the sun can be used in treating dandruff. Other home remedies include; hot steam baths and a healthy diet.

All these home remedies are for information purposes hence they do not substitute qualified medical advice on dandruffs.


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Dandie dinmont terriers ten things you may not know about them

Dandie Dinmont Terriers: Ten Things You May Not Know About Them

Although controversy has always surrounded the biological origins of the dog now known as the Dandie Dinmont, no one has ever queried the background to his strange name. It was from noble beginnings, in Sir Walter Scotts 'Guy Mannering', that the name Dandie Dinmont first came to life. Here are ten more things you may not know about the Dandie Dinmont ..

dandie dinmont, terrier, dinmont, dog breed, pet dog

Although controversy has always surrounded the biological origins of the dog now known as the Dandie Dinmont, no one has ever queried the background to his strange name. It was from noble beginnings, in Sir Walter Scotts 'Guy Mannering', that the name Dandie Dinmont first came to life. Here are ten more things you may not know about the Dandie Dinmont ..

* James Davidson, a farmer from the Rule Water in the Scottish Borders, is believed to have inspired the character Dandie Dinmont in Sir. Walter Scotts book.

* In the early 1900s the little terriers that eventually became known as Dandie Dinmonts were more commonly called Pepper or Mustard Terriers or by the name of the farm where they were bred, e.g. Hindlee Terrier. Hindlee was the home of James Davidson who himself kept six Dandies, called: Auld Pepper, Auld Mustard, Young Pepper, Young Mustard, Little Pepper and Little Mustard. Davidson was adamant that all Dandies descended from two of his own dogs named Tarr and Pepper.



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The Dandelion is an herbaceous plant that really is much more than just a nuisance in your yard. For all purposes, the Dandelion leaves are at their best just as they emerge from the ground and they are very distinct as nothing really resembles this at all. Depending on when you harvest the Dandelion leaves will determine the bitterness of them but it is an appealing bitterness.

These leaves that are considered an herb blend nicely with salads and do well either sauted or steamed. Many claim the taste is similar to that of endive. People who are into eating the fruits of nature claim that it is perfectly acceptable to eat the Dandelion flower as well. Some claim that they make outstanding fritters if they are battered up and fried and make a colorful contribution to any stir fry.

Dandelions leaves are actually extremely nutritious, much more so than any herb that can be purchased in the stores. They are higher in bets carotene than carrots are and they have more iron and calcium and iron than spinach does. Dandelion leaves are also full of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, E, P, D, biotin, inositol, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Dandelion root is one of the safest and most popular herbal remedies on the market and is widely used today.

Traditionally it can be made into a tonic that is known for strengthening the entire body, especially the liver and gallbladder because it promotes the flow of bile. Dandelion root contains taraxacin so it reduces the inflammation to the bile ducts and reduces gallstones. It is commonly used for Hepatitis, liver swelling, and jaundice. It also helps with indigestion.

This plant also goes by the french name, Pissenlit. Ironically enough when used in the tea form made by the leaves or the root has a tendency to act as a diuretic on the kidneys. Over the counter diuretics have a tendency to suck the potassium out of the body but not the Dandelion leaves. Dandelion root tea has helped some actually avoid surgery for urinary stones. Dandelions are really just good for overall health and well being so just about anyone could benefit from a cup of dandelion tea. Many herbalists say that incorporated the Dandelion plant into dinner each night will assist in easier digestion.

When you take a Dandelion plant and break the stem you will find a milky white substance inside. This substance is great for removing warts, pimples, moles, calluses, soothing of bee stings, and blisters. Some other things that Dandelion has been popular in the past for is making Dandelion jam and others use it for a coffee substitute when it is roasted and ground Dandelion root. Many also drink Dandelion wine.

Today, Europeans use plenty of Dandelion roots to make herbal medicines and find it hard to believe that Americans refer to this highly beneficial plant as a weed when it has such positive benefits for the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, and the stomach.


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Dandelion miracle gift from mother earth

Dandelion: Miracle Gift from Mother Earth

Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, considered by some to be a noxious weed, is a powerhouse of nutrition. This article will discuss some of the known health properties.

dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, King of Weeds, official remedy for disorders, Chinese medicine

The Latin name for dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, translates to official remedy for disorders. Dandelion is a native of Europe and the name comes from the French term dent-de-lion, meaning lions tooth, which refers to the dark-green, sharply toothed leaves characteristic of this plant. A prominent herbalist, Gregory Tilford is quoted as saying, Dandelion is one of the most complete plant foods on earth. All the vital nutrients are conveniently contained in a single source, in quantities that the body can easily process and fully absorb. One source I consulted during research for this article suggested that dandelion greens are so good for you that you would do well to dry and powder them and place the powder in a saltshaker to be sprinkled on all your food as a nutritional supplement.

Called the King of Weeds by old timers, the Chinese have known about the antibacterial properties of the juice of the dandelion since the 7th century. In fact, it is one of the top 6 herbs in the Chinese m


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Dance your way towards six pack abs

Dance Your Way towards Six Pack Abs

There is no need for a second opinion in terms of the numerous benefits that dancing imposes. For many people, dancing is some kind of passion. It is a genre of art that carries around a limitless form of expression. In fact, there are several people who turn their passion into a profession. Nevertheless, what many individuals fear is that dancing is only meant for those who are able to move with utmost gracefulness. It is not true at all. Everybody can actually shake a leg, move a hip, and wave a hand.

Meaning to say, you don't have to be good at it to be able to perform it. A lot of people believe in the power of dancing in distressing a person. At the same time, several trainers and dancers imply that you can keep yourself fit by moving along with some dance tunes. If you are after the goal of keeping up the fitness of your physique, better try dancing. You might get shocked but dancing can help out in developing your six pack abs!

The Role of Dancing in Keeping You Fit

By and large, dancing has its own role. The tunes and the beats are able to stir one's emotions and that means that you can also find the same benefit possible. Even half an hour to be spent for dancing can do wonders for your body, much more, for your abs. There is no question as to why several people believe that dancing is a much better workout plan than any other thing. There are reasons for such claim of course. Read on below and find out.

The first reason is that dancing is a lot exciting than any other form of exercise. True enough, those people who are somehow lazy in flexing their muscles to let out a single perspiration out of their pores feel obligated to perform an exercise regimen. However, dancing is able to keep the spirits high. A somber individual is able to change his mood just by plainly listening to the tune of the music. Dancing likewise refreshes the mental state, creates facial expressions, and allow the free flow of the body movements. When you keep up with the beat, you tend to let go of your worries and stress. It seems like you are transferred into another realm without feeling the pressure of working and sweating out.

Next, dancing is a convenient form of exercise. All that you must engage are your body and your own sense of enjoyment. Anyhow, you can incorporate the exercise moves with a certain kind of beat that you feel most comfortable with.

The Method of Staying Fit by Dancing

It is never difficult to stay fit just by dancing. As a beginner, you may start by devoting at least 20 minutes of your time for about three days in a week. You may prolong the time duration as you develop your cardiovascular form. If you aim at reducing some weight, then better do it more often. You can likewise do the crunches, leg exercises, and other stomach exercise routines by following through the rhythm.

As a precaution, never go on with dancing until such time that you are already panting out of breath. Dancing is a pleasurable activity and not a burden. Thus, do the stretches, crunches, and the likes along with the music to finally earn the fabulous six pack abs!


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Dance dance revolution

Dance Dance Revolution

Those who aren't big fans of gaming systems may not realize that Dance Revolution is actually a video game for the Playstation 2 gaming system that actually has taken the industry by storm. It was one of, if not the very first attempts of the gaming industry to combat the idea that playing games robbed children of the physical activity that is so important to their overall health and well being.

The solution was to introduce a game in which the players were scored based on their ability to dance according to the directions of the game. If you haven't tried this game, let me be the first to tell you that it requires some fancy footwork and more than some degree of tunnel vision. The really cool thing about this game is that you can adjust the level of difficulty and combine games with friends who have the same game for a competition. Competition with yourself is all well and good but the idea of crushing your friends with your dance talents is even better.

This is a game that happens to be crossing generational barriers however and making quite a splash in doing so. Mothers and fathers are competing against sons and daughters and the wagers are quite fantastic. I know I've been known to win a week or two off from washing dishes as the result of a rousing round of friendly competition. The irony is that I'm not really that good at the game. It is a great deal of fun though and I feel less guilty about letting the kids play this game for an hour than I do about allowing them to play some "all your base are belong to us" sort of game for an hour.

The wide popularity of the game should be completely obvious in all the 'knock off' versions of this game that have already flooded the market. I do expect to see more games along this line in the near future particularly with the new Nintendo Wii system making waves for the physical nature of many of their games. The hope is definitely that the Playstation Dance Dance Revolution. We have already seen follow up with Dance Dance Revolution 2, Dance Dance Revolution Extreme, and Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova. I can only predict that Playstation will attempt to bring this successful line to the ailing Playstation 3 in the near future.

As far as the workout reality of this game goes you will find that it offers an excellent aerobic workout and great exercises for your legs. The arms are really up to you to a large degree. If you chose to approach in a river dance sort of method your arms are likely to receive quite the excellent degree of a workout that your legs will receive. However if you put everything into your dance moves then the revolution will be all the calories you burn as well as the strengthening and toning you manage as a side benefit.

While very few of us consider video games to be a great source of health or fitness, this game may be the one exception to the rule. Who would have ever thought you could get all of these things and so much more from playing a video game. Next thing you know they'll come out with Mountain Dew that is a health drink.


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Dance dance lovely usable flooring

Dance, Dance: Lovely, Usable Flooring

Did you know that ordinary concrete wont do for dancing, and that dancing floors have to be refurbished every few years? Indeed, we often take for granted the floors we step on, simply because we know only a little about how important flooring is.

flooring, Tiles, laminate flooring, Solid parquet, Veneers parquet, parquet laminates, Linoleum

Did you know that ordinary concrete wont do for dancing, and that dancing floors have to be refurbished every few years? Indeed, we often take for granted the floors we step on, simply because we know only a little about how important flooring is.

In general, flooring is a term for the covering of a floor. It is often used interchangeably with parquetry, which actually describes a mosaic of slats of wood, fashioned into different shapes, and used to decorate floors. Parquetry involves the use of different kinds of wood, which can include the following.

     Dark woods, such as cherry, give not only a mystique to floors, but can even prevent mild scratches from being seen. Once deeply scratched, however, dark woods are difficult to repair.

     Light woods, such as maple or oak, make rooms appear light and wide.

     Tropical woods, such as mahogany, make floors appear rich and colorful, but are often expensive.

There are


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Dance choreographer

Dance Choreographer

A dance choreographer can be easily described as a dance instructor. They dont normally follow the set of rules that is commonly found in fixed dance routines, like ballroom dancing, but follows their own experience to come up with unique dance notations that is quite common in dancing competitions where originality is a criteria.


A dance choreographer bases its teachings in the art of choreography. It is considered as an art due to the various innovations that is mostly limited to the creativity of an individual.

By definition, choreography is the process of designing various form and movements of the human body -- much like a person teaching you new body motions through their own unique experience. Dance choreography has a more specific scope -- integrating new and unique dancing techniques and maneuvers through the inclusion of set dancing styles today.

For example, a dance choreographer can incorporate various dancing styles for a cheerleading competition -- like ballroom, Rock and Roll, and the likes to come up with a new dance maneuver.

Dance Routines

A dance choreographer teaching new dancing moves that involves various body movements -- not necessarily dependent on fixed dance moves today. In most cases, dance routines taught by a choreographer includes events, like cheerleading, gymnastics, cinematography, fashion shows, marching bands, ice skating, stage shows, and even in competitive dancing, like dancesports.

The technique of coming up with new dance moves is termed as dance composition. This includes 2 fundament techniques, namely improvisation and planned choreography.

The fundamentals of improvisation can be easily defined as "impromptu" dance lessons. No specific steps are followed and choreographers base body movements depending on the type of music used for the dance.

In most cases, improvisation is mostly determined by the personal interpretation of the instructor or the dancers itself. Planned choreography is purely the work of the choreographer. Movements and scores are all directed by the instructors without any need for personal interpretation from dancers.

Passion In The Art

The success of dance choreographers in coming up with highly unique and quality dance routines is devoted to their passion in the art of dancing. If you ask dance instructors in how they come up with unique body interpretation to music, they will just smile and tell you that it's more on creativity than actual learning of fixed dance styles.

In some ways, we can say that this statement is true. Passion makes up 90% of their creativity and only 10% comes from their knowledge on fixed dance routines.

Another requirement of a dance choreographer is the need to go beyond the boundaries of dancing and into the realm of art. This is one reason why they are all unique -- coming up with their own dance routines with only a moment of thought. If you find a dance competition with only a single music as its theme, you will see that each choreographer will have their own interpretation.


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Damn the future blog it up

Damn The Future, Blog It Up!

You write a blog religiously every day or so. You provide informative, interesting content for your loyal readers. Youve even got a couple of affiliate links in there, too. But is this enough to get great search engine results for your efforts?

Probably not. Sure, youll get listed with the search engines easily. But without a top twenty listing at one of the majors (Google, Yahoo! or MSN), you wont have traffic, literally, banging down your door.

In order to get bett...

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You write a blog religiously every day or so. You provide informative, interesting content for your loyal readers. Youve even got a couple of affiliate links in there, too. But is this enough to get great search engine results for your efforts?

Probably not. Sure, youll get listed with the search engines easily. But without a top twenty listing at one of the majors (Google, Yahoo! or MSN), you wont have traffic, literally, banging down your door.

In order to get better search engine results you need to make sure you are using the right keywords (and know how to use them), have links pointed your way and regularly check the results of your hard work. Heres how.

Choosing Appropriate Keywords

Do you know what search terms your visitors are using to find you? Most blogging sites give you the option of checking up to see just how people found you. If you dont have this feature available, hop over to and install their free service on your blog immediately.

Next, research those keywords. Visit Overtures free site () and type in the most generic of the terms people are using to find your blog. Youll get a list of related keywords used at a major search engine in the past month. Although it is an oversimplification of the search engine optimization process, try and stick to the more unusual but natural-sounding keywords as your top picks.

Putting Keywords in the Right Places

Once youve picked a keyword that applies directly to your blog, make sure to incorporate it into the following portions of one complete blog posting:

# The title;
# The first sentence;
# Each header (if you have any);
# Once a paragraph; and
# The last sentence.

If you have any links to outside sources, use the same keyword as your link text where possible. Also, for each blog posting, try and pick a different (but related) keyword to use. Feel free to reuse keywords every 30-45 postings.

Submitting to Directories

Your third step is to take these keyword optimized blog postings and post them to the article and blog directories. Most of the search engines determine the relevancy of your blog by how many outside websites link directly to you; therefore, posting your blog entries (with a link back to your site in your resource blurb) is an easy and straightforward way of doing so.

Checking Your Progress

It may take a couple of days to see any results, so try and wait a week before you take a look at StatCounter. Have your hits increased at all? Are there any new search engine referrals?

To track your blogs ascent up the search engine rankings for any given keyword, try Digital Points free Keyword Tracker Tool (). It is an excellent way of ensuring your blog positioning efforts are paying off.

With all blog postings, content is key. Without useful, interesting information that cannot be found elsewhere, your visitors wont come back for more. Incorporate these simple search engine optimization techniques into your blogging practice however, and youll both keep the visitors you already have and dramatically increase your readership through high ranking search engine placement in no time.


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Damage done by overdosing on tricyclic antidepressants

Damage Done By Overdosing on Tricyclic Antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants are among the most effective means to combat      depression, but pose a considerable risk to the person in the event of an overdose. They can do considerable damage to the body, particularly to the heart and circulatory system. If not treated early enough, an overdose can also put a person into a coma, eventually killing them.


Tricylcic antidepressants are used to treat depression, as the name indicates. There are some that may be used as an

effective treatment for varying degrees of anxiety, but for the most part, doctors don't stray too far. They have also been

known to be useful in treating a variety of other conditions, apart form depression and anxiety. Primarily, they can be

considered alternative treatments for migraines and neuropathic pain. However, as useful as they are, no sane doctor is going

to prescribe amounts of tricyclic antidepressants that might be considered too high. This is because these medications, in

high enough amounts, have been known to cause fatalities. According to statistics, nearly 2% of people who had overdoses of

antidepressant medication died from an overdose of tricyclic antidepressants.

There are a number of signs that signify that someone has overdosed on the aforementioned medication. Most people who

overdose suddenly find that their bodies have become lethargic, with a heightened sense of agitation also being a common

sign. The muscles are also adversely affected, with various areas of the body undergoing involuntary twitching, seizures, and

jerky movements. Low blood pressure and heart rate have also been associated with overdoses of tricyclic antidepressants,

though these usually occur in the more advanced stages. Disturbances in the heart rhythm, sometimes to a potentially fatal

level,have been known to be common if the problem is not addressed early enough. It should be noted that all of the above

can be overdose signs of other drugs, though a simple blood test is often enough to identify the source of the problem.

The approach taken to dealing with anyone who has experienced an overdose on the above medication is the same as the approach

taken with anyone who has overdosed or been poisoned. As such, the initial procedure is to stabilize the vital signs of the

victim. In the case of an overdose of tricyclic antidepressants, this step usually involves low blood pressure and the use of

intravenous liquids to rectify that problem. Breathing could be a problem at any stage of poisoning, though it is most

difficult to start and stabilize if the overdose has caused the victim to enter into a comatose state. Some also use muscle

relaxants in treating overdoses, particularly if the body is convulsing or experiencing spasms. Sodium bicarbonate can

sometimes be used to prevent the effects of the medication from reaching the heart, though there is no pharmaceutical means

to counter the other effects.

Most people should realize that in the event of an overdose, people may not appear ill at first. However, the effects can

rapidly appear and will quickly become life-threatening if not subjected to proper treatment on time. Interestingly, most

cases of overdose of tricyclics are considered to be intentional. Alcohol has been known to increase the intensity of some of

the side effects of the medication, and should not be taken with such. Some patients have also reported becoming depressed in

connection with an overdose. As such, once the physical treatment has been completed, most doctors recommend that the patient

undergo some sort of psychiatric evaluation as soon as they are physically able to.


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Dairy products and the ph miracle diet

Dairy products and the pH miracle diet

The pH miracle diet attempts to control many different conditions in the body, including obesity, through the omission of acidifying foods and behaviors. One of the most surprising inclusions on the list, at least to Westerners, is milk. Dairy products, although a mainstay of the Western diet, are not included in the diets of most of the populations around the world. So what does the rest of the world know that we dont? Dairy is not necessary for health; from a pH perspective, it is actually harmful to the body.

Many people believe that dairy and milk are essential for bone density and for overall health. However, dairy products have large amounts of protein and fat, which are both acid forming elements. Cows milk and products made from cows milk produce acid. Goat and sheep milk and cheeses, which have less fat and protein, produce less acid. The only dairy exception is clarified butter that is a


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Dairy goat care

Dairy Goat Care

Goats are one of the most versatile animals domesticated by man. Aside from meat and other products (fur, leather) goats also provide us milk and some milk products comparable to cattle. And all these, with only a modicum of goat care.

Dairy goats

Officially, the American Dairy Goat Association recognizes six breeds of goats that produce milk and milk products. They are Nubians, LaManchas, Alpines, Oberhaslis, Toggenburgs, and Saanens.

The Alpines (any color, medium-large, erect ears, straight face) is one of the two breeds (the other is the Saanens) that is popular with dairy farms because of the amount of milk they produce.

The Saanens (pure white) have large udder capacities and just as popular as Alpines because of the amount of milk they give out.

Nubians have long floppy ears and one of the larger breeds. Their milk is higher in protein and butter fat than the others. They are noisier and more stubborn.

The ears of LaManchas are so small it looks like they dont have them. They are smaller, and they are calm and gentler than the others.

Oberhaslis are colored bay (chamoise) with a black dorsal strip. They have erect ears and are medium built.

The Toggenburgs are light brown with white erect ears and lower legs. They have shaggy coats and are popular among dairies, although smaller than most breeds.

Goat dairy products

Today, more people in the world are now drinking goats milk than cow milk. Nutritionally, they are similar but goats milk has smaller fat globules (does not need homogenization), thus easier to digest for some people.

Goat milk is now processed into various ice creams in health food stores. Goat cheese (chvre, the French word for goat) is used in salads and in cooking because they are higher in protein but lower in fat than that made of cows milk.

Goats milk soaps are bruited to be creamier and richer than the others, and have added vitamins, minerals and proteins.


In a comparison of milk contents of goats, cows and humans, goats milk tops the count especially in vitamins and some minerals. It levels with that of cows milk in proteins, but is the lowest in cholesterol count.

Goat milk is naturally homogenized. It has less lactose than cows milk and is less likely to trigger lactose intolerance in some people.

Goats milk is said to be more easily digestible than cows milk. This can be attributed to its casein curd which is softer and smaller than cows milk.

Milk boosters

As dairy goat raisers, you need to find ways and means to increase the milk production of your herd. The following are some of the ways.

Deworming your goats increases milk production. Illness and diseases (including anemia caused by worms and other parasites) slows down milk production, sometimes even stops it altogether.

Increase rations of high-quality hay. For high-milk production, alfalfa is one of the best because of high calcium content. Increased dry matter forage for the animals improves milk production.

It is also important that goat forage have high levels of fiber to promote increased rumen micro-flora which increases milk production.

Today, more and more goat raisers are into the business not just for the meat products. Goat care and raising them for dairy production also looks promising.


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Dairy free diet to treat autism

Dairy Free Diet to Treat Autism          

Parents are turning to their child's diet to when treating Autism. Some believe that Autistic children have a food sensitivity. They believe dairy, also known as Casein, is one of the foods to cause problems with Autistic children. Removing all dairy from your child's diet can at first seem very difficult to do. Most kids love cheese and ice cream.

Most people following a dairy free diet also remove Gluten from the diet. The ingredient in dairy that it thought to cause problems is Casein. Casein is a protein found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and some hotdogs. It is very important to read all labels on food the child will be eating.

If you are going to try the dairy free diet with your child you will need to make sure they are getting enough calcium. This can be done with vitamin supplements, or milk substitutes. Many types of food are including calcium.

It is thought that the Casein reacts in the Autistic child's body causing the unwanted behaviors. They think if the dairy products are removed some of the behaviors will leave. It should take a few months to know if the diet is working for your child. If you are considering removing Gluten from the diet too it is advised to try removing dairy first. The dairy is removed from the body much faster than the Gluten. Gluten can take ten months or more to be completely removed from the body.

Following a Casein free diet can be expensive. Most milk replacements cost double the price of regular milk. Not all stores will carry the dairy free products. They can usually be found at specialty, or health food stores. You can find Casein free products on the internet for mail order. There are also lots of Casein free recipes available online. To save on the cost of Casein free foods some families find another family in their area using the same diet, and share the cost of ingredients by buying in bulk. They then split the foods.

If you choose to try a Casein (dairy) free diet with your Autistic child remember to allow enough time to see if the diet is helping. It can be helpful to keep a journal while trying the diet. Keep a record of behaviors your Autistic child has. Then you can see if the number of behaviors is dropping. If you have not removed Gluten from your child's diet you may want to consider this if your child is not improving from the dairy free diet.

To find out if your Autistic child has a sensitivity to dairy (Casein) have them allergy tested. This will tell you if you should remove any other foods from the diet. If you are wanting more information about Casein free diets visit your local library. You can find many books that deal with dairy free living. The internet is also a great source of information.

A Casein free diet might be helpful in treating your child's Autism. It is not a cure for Autism though. It will only help treat some of the symptoms.


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Dairy diet boost or boomerang

Dairy: Diet Boost or Boomerang?

Adequate calcium intake has long been recommended for stronger bones. But lately, calcium has been scoring headlines for its possible link with weight loss. While I hope this news will be a boon to dieters, I'm afraid it could also boomerang.

Dairy: Diet Boost or Boomerang?

Adequate calcium intake has long been recommended for stronger bones. But lately, calcium has been scoring headlines for its possible link with weight loss. While I hope this news will be a boon to dieters, I'm afraid it could also boomerang.

Why? It panders to the fantasy that eating certain foods will make you lose weight. Wrong. Eating fewer calories than you burn will make you lose weight. And while studies suggest that high-calcium diets, especially high dairy diets, could enhance weight loss for those people already following a low-calorie regime, I'm worried that the last part of this story will be ignored by those who want to believe that ice cream, milkshakes and mozzarella are actually diet foods.

Dieters who disregard the fat and calorie content of their calcium sources may find their bodies looking more bovine than buff. So before you overdo it, make sure you understand calcium's role in weight loss.

Here's the skinny: A low-calcium diet increases blood levels of calcitriol, the active form


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Daily skin care to avoid signs of aging

Daily skin care To Avoid Signs Of Aging

Experts in the beauty industry say that there are actually two effective ways of skin care to the aging skin: first is the artificial means and the natural means. The former can be done through plastic surgeries and through the use of products that contain chemicals that are believed to minimize the signs of aging and the latter would include measures to living a healthy lifestyle.

More and more people prefer the artificial means because it is an easy remedy to aging. They encourage people to take natural means as possible because if these are done and followed properly, they can have a lasting effect on the person's appearance and over all health and well being.

Experts say that natural skin regimen is the best way to achieve a long lasting, healthy skin. This might include having a balanced and healthy diet and developing a regular work out, exercise or physical activities to keep the blood circulate freely. This can also be possible by stopping smoking cigarettes; veering away from stressful events; finding ample time to sleep; being well hydrated through lots of fluids especially water and by keeping a positive outlook in life.

Why skin care Is Important

To avoid the early signs of aging, proper skin care should be an essential part of every person's life. The first step in taking care of skin is to know what type of skin you possess. Dermatologistsprofessionals who are experts on skin and skin care and treatmentcategorize skin types into four that include dry, oily, normal, and combination.

If there's a tight or rough feel of the skin, you should pay more attention to the way you treat your skin because this is an indicator of dry skinthe most common contributor of ugly skin. This is characterized by the presence of flakes and scales as well as redness and itchiness of the skin. Experts say that is if you have dry skin, it is a must that you avoid washing it with hot water. It is also a must that you stay away from using harsh or strong soaps and alcohol-based skin products to avoid skin irritation.

Then, the next type is the oily skin that is characterized by shiny appearance and large pores on the skin's surface that makes it prone to acne. People who have oily skin should shun away from too much scrubbing that can cause more pimple breakout. It is also advisable that they use non-comedogenic skin products to maintain a healthy skin.

On the other hand, normal skin is characterized by healthy glow. It doesnt have redness or large pores. People who have normal skin type should use skin care products that help maintain the natural water balance of their skin.

Last effective skin care would be the combination skin that has dry and oily areas. Oily sections usually include the T-zone (the forehead, nose, and chin), while cheeks remain less oily. People with combination skin must use products that are specifically developed for this skin type in order to avoid over-drying that can cause redness, itchiness, or any irritation.


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Daily meditation spiritual support for today s world

Daily Meditation - Spiritual Support For Today's World

In days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did.

In today's world, our understanding of spiritual life is changing. More and more we are understanding that all of life is sacred, and at the same time, there seems to be less and less time available for us to slow down and connect with our i...

daily meditation,daily reading and meditation,spirirtual practice,prayer,healing,spiritual,transform

In days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did.

In today's world, our understanding of spiritual life is changing. More and more we are understanding that all of life is sacred, and at the same time, there seems to be less and less time available for us to slow down and connect with our innermost spiritual center.

With the advent of global communication, there are now many options available to us for spiritual and religious expression. At the same time, modern life has become more challenging, more demanding and faster paced. Staying positive and focused on God's love can be difficult, especially when we are faced negative energy that we see manifesting in world events. Many people face depression or even despair because they find it difficult to connect with their inner experience of God's love during these difficult times.

A regular spiritual practice of daily meditation can be of great help in today's world, to help bring an awareness of spiritual values into all aspects of your daily life. Daily meditation can allow you to create peace within yourself, which then radiates outwards to others. Daily meditation can be a simple as taking five or ten minutes daily with your favorite spiritual support, or can involve a more rigorous program of study, practice and meditation.

The importance of daily meditation is in the consistency with which it is done. It is helpful to schedule a specific time of day, or to do your meditation several times a day. Some people find it helpful to create an altar or other sacred space in the home, which provides an outer reminder of the sacred, and also creates a vibration of peace and harmony. If you can keep this sacred space clean, free from clutter, and away from other activities, and you will find that your altar becomes a spiritual haven that you can go to find peace, light and comfort in the midst of a busy day.

You do not need to only have one altar in your home. You can make an altar in each room, at your desk, and even in your car. A daily reminder of sacred reality goes a long way to supporting your daily meditation practice.

Daily meditation can provide comfort, upliftment, and spiritual support, even during difficult times. You will find yourself attracted to meditation practices that are most resonant with your own soul's unique divine blueprint. A daily meditation practice can be tailored to your own unique needs and spiritual longing. Daily inspiration and meditation be found through sacred religious texts as well as newer spiritual writings.

We are all of God, and created by God, and we each have a unique purpose and aspect of God that we embody in the world. The abundance of sacred teachings at this time on the Earth is a reminder that God speaks in many ways so that each heart and each soul can feel and be reminded of God's love in their own unique way. Daily meditation can help you to connect with your own divine essence, and to bring your gifts into the world for the betterment of all of humanity.


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Daido moriyama modern legend

Daido Moriyama - Modern Legend

Daido Moriyama and his impact on Japanese photography. His humble beginnings in Osake have helped him become one of Japans best photographers and artists.

moriyama, japanese, work, photography, american, pictures, culture, klein, moved, photographer, vision, presence, own, new, --, culture specifically japanese, thus pictures, specifically japanese, culture specifically, japanese thus,

Although Moriyama's work is well known in Nippon where he is one of the country's major photographers, his photography has only been sporadically and incompletely exhibited outside Japan, and it has not received the full critical congratulation it so richly deserves.

Born in the port city of Osaka in 1938, Moriyama turned to photography at the age of twenty-one and moved to Tokyo to work with the eminent photographer Eikoh Hosoe. Early in his career, Moriyama became acquainted with the work of both William Klein and Andy Warhol. He appreciated their new vision and transformed it through his own personal perspective. The energy and dynamic modernity Moriyama found in the emotional, even hostile pictures Klein made of his native New York delighted the young Japanese photographer, as did the perception of a voyeuristic media culture in Warhol's work.

Moriyama's pictures are taken in the streets of Japan's major cities. Made with a small, hand-held camera, they reveal the speed with which they were snapped. Often the frame is deliberately not straight, the grain pronounced, and the contrast emphasized. Among his city images are those shot in poorly lit bars, strip clubs, on the streets or in alleyways, with the movement of the subject creating a blurred suggestion of a form rather than a distinct figure.

Moriyama's style was also part of this intense period in Japanese art. Much of the work produced in Japan in theater, film, literature, art, and photography appears radical today as it represented a clear disjunction from the past. Japanese artistic production of the 1960s and 1970s was deeply affected by the American occupation and its conflicting messages of democracy and control, of peaceful coexistence, and of the strong American presence in Asia during the Vietnam War.

Radical artists, including Moriyama, sought a firm break with the highly regulated Japanese society that was responsible for the war, as well as an affirmation of the vitality of a pre-modern culture that was specifically Japanese. Thus, the pictures Moriyama took of the American Navy base Yokosuka -- reflecting the freedom he saw there -- and the stray dog near the Air Force base at Misawa acknowledge both the exhiliarating newness of the modern experience and its rawness.

In the early 1980s, his work moved away from the ambiguity and graininess of his earlier photographs toward a bleaker, more distinct vision, as evidenced in the Light and Shadow series.Moriyama stretches the boundaries of photography and peers into the dark and blurry places that scare us. Moriyama delivers great gritty black and white photos examining post WWII Japanese Culture.
His most known picture, Stray Dog, (1971) is clearly taken on the run, in the midst of bustling, lively street activity. The representation of the alert, wandering, solitary, but ultimately mysterious animal, is a powerful expression of the vital outsider. It is an essential reflection of Moriyama's presence as an alert outsider in his own culture.


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Dahn yoga

Dahn yoga for the soul

Yoga is widespread and is continuously being developed today. Millions of people around the world are into this activity. Its influence is vast and is constantly increasing. Of the so many forms of Yoga, hatha yoga is by far the most common form.

It involves both the breathing control mechanism and the physical exercise and postures combined. This exercise allows optimized blood circulation and improves ones flexibility, stamina, strength and vitality.

Moreover, it is also a form of peaceful mediation that contributes to self-awareness and gives an extra energy that makes you have a warm perspective of life. Various centers are located and established on cities to promote awareness.

However, one may not need a tutor or a teacher in order to learn or perform Yoga. One can simply look for a book or find an appropriate DVD or video to suit your need. Aside from hatha Yoga, there exists another kind of Yoga. it is known as Dhan Yoga.

It is also referred to as Dahn Hak ot Dahnak. It started as an early form of Korean instruction program that aims to teach the people on how to expand and widen both the body and mind. For a certain period of time, it has been discovered that it had vanished but was later on rediscovered and its first center was established on Korea.

It was in 1991 that Dahn Yoga was brought into the United States. There are also existing centers there that have been established as time went by. Dahn Yoga does not only focus on the fitness aspects of Yoga.

It also educates the person on the principles and concepts on how the energy acts or moves in the body. It also teaches that ageing and weakening of the body is caused by stress. And removing stress will definitely improve ones health and prolong his life. They believe that one should know how to improve and develop that energy flow inside the body.

Through this, health is efficiently monitored and safeguarded. With Dahn Yoga, one must know how to communicate and correspond to his physical body.

They also believe that our body has its natural healing power. And this natural healing ability can only be achieved when one has stimulated that certain energy that connects the body to the conscious mind.

Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dhan Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual healing and to connect us into our spiritual selves. It promotes body relaxation and the discovery of inner consciousness.

It gives a life away and free from stress and anxiety and a life which has self-control and enhanced concentration.

Through meditation and breath work, energy is accumulated in the body. As a result, the functioning of the internal organs and systems in the body is enhanced.

Moreover, the toxins and possible threats of disorder is hindered in a way. Then the feeling of better physique and well-being is achieved. This, in turn, boosts self-confidence and positive thinking. A new self is realized and released from addictive behaviors.

By the integration of the body and mind, latent abilities are realized and goals are set. In addition, Dahn Yoga practitioners sometimes volunteer teaching and training without payment. Dahn Yoga is altogether a group that is willing to promote healthy well-being, a happy mind, and a peaceful community.


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Da vinci code game system specifications

System Specifications needed for the Da Vinci Code Computer Game

System requirements are not just applicable to some games; these are part of every game. There is no game that exists today that does not have any system requirement for the computer to properly run the game. Aside from that, almost all game requirements are considerably on the part of the hardware device that a gamer must posses.

Video games have lesser system requirements or hardware device requirements because these games are preset to a certain device that is constantly made. Or it can be better said that game programmers adopts with the present hardware device or known as console that their game can play with.

Other video game makers make their own video game consoles which lessens the requirements of the system that is to needed to play the game. However, games cannot be regulated in the sense that only those game console makers are allowed to make game programs. There is no law that rules over the regulation of game production in that matter. There are plenty of independent game makers that are not connected, whether in part or in whole, with big game console producers. These game makers just depend on the mainstream hardware device that can be use for their game.

The most common hardware that is being used to play with certain games is the personal computer. However, there are plenty of versions and specifications that is present nowadays that a personal computer may have. You may find different makes and capacity of processors, video cards, sound cards, RAM, etc. in the market. These specifications are very helpful in thinking what your computer may do for you.

All games have their own system requirements. These specifications are required to attain a good sound, good video output and good playing output for the player. When one or several requirements are not met, chances are that the player will never enjoy the game to its fullest capacity. Just imagine playing a game with a choppy computer, or with a very poor sound, or even unrealistic display, surely one will never be happy with the game.

One of the games that may require special specification to the user is the Da Vinci Code. This game was inspired by the book and the movie that was shown early this year. This game is about Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveus quest for answers on the secrets of the Priory of Sion and other sects. Their quest was later situated in the game of death when they discover a very critical secret which can possibly ruin the Catholic faith.

The system requirement of the Da Vinci Code game is primarily applicable to personal computers. The basic system requirements are the ones being given ceiling.

Here are the system requirements for the game Da Vinci Code:

     Processor the speed of the processor that is required to play this game is 1.8 GHz. The make is no longer important but the one made by Pentium is more advisable. The speed of the processor is the one that will determine how fast your computer will be able to execute any command from the game. This will be responsible in sending and accepting data coming from the user. The Da Vinci Code game requires speeds like this because visual display and other feature of this game are really high.

     Environment this game can run in Windows 2000, windows xp or any higher environment available.

     RAM the requirement of this game for RAM is as high as 512MB. This memory is used to temporarily store data that will be sent for the processor. The faster the RAM the faster the processor will execute.

     Disc Space for a better gaming experience, the Da Vinci Cod Game requires 3GB hard disc space. Too large for a normal computer disc space but just perfect to play Da Vinci Code game.

     Video Card for a good resolution of graphics, the game needs a 64MB DirectX 9c compatible graphic card.

     CD-ROM the game require the average speed of the CD-ROM that equals to 6X. However, the game prefers the user to use a DVD-ROM instead.

In the game, there are places included that are not stated in the book nor in the movie. The player is going to solve meta puzzles and decipher codes from a cryptex. There are 90 levels that a player must finish. If your computer meets or exceeds the requirements, then you will have a better operation of the game allowing you to fully enjoy every aspect of it.


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D857 your auto insurance company for extra money

Your Auto Insurance Company For Extra Money?

Most people, once they have an auto insurance company, simply just let their current policy renew and renew without checking to see if maybe they can get a better deal somewhere else. If that describes you, maybe you would look into exploring your options if you knew how and painless it really is. This article will show you just how easy the process is.

Shopping for a new auto insurance company
The easiest and quickest and as a result the most painless way to shop for auto insurance is to go on the internet. Many companies can give you quotes 247 on their websites. You can also get contact information for a particular auto insurance company on their site and call them up on the telephone. When considering switching companies, the first thing to do is to get comparison rate quotes from several

You do want to be very truthful about all your information so that you can get accurate quotes. The company will find out about any accidents, claims or traffic tickets anyway, so don't try to hide anything. Also, when you get comparison rate quotes, make sure you compare the coverage you have with your current auto insurance company to what is available with any new company so that you can make a comparison that makes sense.

How to switch
Once you have found a new auto insurance company and purchased your new policy you must cancel your old policy. If you don't cancel your old policy the old auto insurance company could assume you wished to continue your insurance with them. They would be expecting to receive premiums from you. When they don't receive those premiums they would eventually cancel your policy due to unpaid premiums and report your lack of coverage to the Department of Motor Vehicles of your state. This could affect your credit and your ability to get a new auto insurance policy.

Canceling your old policy is easy.
Usually, all you need to do is to inform your old auto insurance company in writing, telling them when you would like the policy cancelled. They will then send you a form to sign and return, which in effect will cancel your policy.

One thing to note
Do not cancel your policy from your old auto insurance company until the insurance is actually in effect with the new insurer. This way you avoid any lapse in coverage. However, nowadays there is little chance of that happening. Most states require all drivers to carry a minimum amount of
insurance and your old auto insurance company will probably require you to show proof of insurance before they will cancel an active policy.

When you switch is very important
The best time to switch to a new auto insurance company is when the current policy is about to expire. When you receive your policy renewal notice from your current auto insurance company is the best time to switch. This is usually about a month before the current policy is actually going to expire. It is during this period when you can switch insurers without incurring any fees or penalties.

Also, because it is so close to the end of the policy term you would avoid trying to figure out the amount of unused premium that you are due from your old auto insurance company. You also avoid arguing with your insurance agent about exactly when you cancelled and how much the auto
insurance company owes you.

But yes, you can cancel outside of the 30 day period
If after taking into account the fee or penalty you may have to pay you may find that you still would get appreciable savings. So, while it is best you switch within that 30 day renewal period, you can actually cancel at any time.

Are you ready?
That's all there is to it. Just think of all that extra money that could be coming your way if you follow these simple guidelines.


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D831 whole life insurance tips

Whole Life Insurance Tips

Before deciding which kind of life insurance policy is best for you, you must know the key aspects of whole life insurance and how it will be beneficial for you. With a whole life insurance policy you can make your loved ones financially secure in the event of your death. Simply speaking, life insurance helps your loved ones by paying them upon your death.

What is whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance is a permanent life insurance, which covers your whole life with timely premium payments as long as you live.

With increase level of premiums and cash values, this life insurance policy will be the best choice for long-term goals. The amount of guaranteed cash values could provide money to help during emergencies or temporary needs.

Features of Whole Life Insurance

1.Premiums generally are level and payable for life: In the starting premiums will be little higher than a term life insurance but as you go elder, the less expensive will be your annual premiums.

2.Dividends: Dividends are not guaranteed with whole life insurance but there is a chance of earning dividends.

3.Guaranteed Cash Values: In case of term life insurance, there are no cash values but with whole life insurance some money will be stored as cash values. If you give up the policy, accumulated guaranteed cash values would be yours. You can even take loan against your whole life insurance policy.

Before signing up with a whole life insurance policy, you should ask following questions to the agent appointed by Whole Life Insurance Company.

1.Which insurance is best for me, Whole Life Insurance or term life insurance?

2.How much coverage do I need?

3.How and how much discount can I get?

4.What are your Standard & Poors ratings?

You must consider following aspects while choosing a Whole Life Insurance Company.

1.Expenses and commissions.

2.Guaranteed cash value.

3.Dividends and interest.

4.How do they adjust the death benefit?

You can get any necessary information from online life insurance companies with the help of fast online Internet access. Fast online Internet access and web sites available make you easily compare and get Whole life insurance online quotes.


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D829 whole life insurance advice is it better

Whole Life Insurance AdviceIs It Better?

If you have decided that whole life insurance is the route you want to take, you need to be well-aware of both its pros and its cons.

Whole life insurance covers you for your entire life, as opposed to term life insurance which only covers you for a certain number of years. However, with that additional coverage comes additional costs. Isnt that the way things always happen? With whole life insurance, not only are you paying for the cost of the insurance, but you are also paying for the cost of investment. Some have referred to the investment costs as forced savings, and, admittedly, there are ways of saving for retirement that make more sense to some. As you get older, the cost of insurance coverage gets higher and the cost of investment gets lower. If you decide to cash in your whole life insurance policy, you may be paid in cash or in insurance that has been paid-up. Yet, with commission fees, market fluctuations, and hypothetical numbers that agents use for illustration purposes, it is not so easy to know how much you will cash in.

Still, there are many wealthy people who opt to purchase whole life insurance policies, and for a good reason. Whole life insurance policies help them in estate planning. By setting up an insurance trust through whole life insurance, they can make sure the proceeds of their insurance policy are used to pay their estate taxes. This is helpful, as estate taxes would otherwise be left to be paid out-of-pocket.

After understanding whole life insurance, it might not seem as safe and secure as its name sounds. Yes, you will be covered for life, but there are also additional costs for coverage that some people just do not need. If you have the extra money to invest in whole life insurance, by setting up an insurance trust, you wont exactly be wasting money, either.


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D762 travel insurance insure your trip

Travel Insurance - Insure Your Trip

You may think that travel insurance isnt necessary, and that you have planned your vacation perfectly. Things like when to board the flight, where to stay, and when to come back would have been included in your plan; but what if you have to change your plan and get back early? Or what if you met with an accident or fell ill, which of course you were not prepared for? You would end up paying all the medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance. This is when having travel insurance could save you. It is important that you purchase travel insurance to protect your travel investment.

Types of Travel Insurance:

Most travel insurance companies offer the same packages which include basic travel insurance, and comprehensive travel insurance. There are a few general types of travel insurance, however, depending on the insurance company, the coverage and limitations will be different. Given below are some of the common types:

Trip Cancellation: This is the most common and the most important type of travel insurance. Incase your trip gets cancelled because of any unforeseen circumstances, you dont have to worry about your tickets not being refunded or bear the burden of the money spent, as this type of insurance will cover all these non-refundable payments or deposits.

Trip Delay: This type of insurance is also very helpful incase of any break in your travel plan, for example, say you have to take a connecting flight only to find that it has been cancelled or delayed for a few hours, what do you do? You take the next flight to get home. You dont have to worry about the extra money spent by you on the ticket. In this case, if you have trip delay insurance, your money will be reimbursed.

Trip Interruption: If your trip gets interrupted due to any unexpected calamity, you dont have to bear for the lost vacation. Your money will be reimbursed if you have trip interruption insurance.

BaggagePersonal Effects Loss or Delay: This is also a very common type of insurance. It will cover losses if your baggage is lost or delayed, or if any of your stuff gets damaged.

Travel Document Loss: Having this type of insurance will save you from situations such as a stolen or lost passport. Staying in a foreign country without your password would create problems, but you need not run places looking for emergency cash to get it replaced, as this insurance will take care of that.

AccidentSickness Medical Expenses: If you fall ill anywhere during your travel, you dont have to worry about the extra expense. This insurance will cover the cost for you.

Medical EvacuationEmergency Transportation: In the case of a medical emergency during your travel, this insurance will cover expenses such as the transportation charge to the hospital.

Supplier Default: This insurance will cover any payments or deposits lost because of the bankruptcy of a travel supplier.

So next time you plan a trip, do get travel insurance to ensure a safe trip and peace of mind.


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D758 travel insurance do i need insurance for a holiday in the uk

Travel Insurance do I need insurance for a holiday in the UK?

Last week my wife and I booked a two centre holiday on the Scottish Isles. Seven days on Skye and then a ferry over to Steornabhagh for a further seven days on the Isle of Lewis. Wonderful scenery, plenty of walks and masses of peace and quiet.

You could have blown me over when my local travel agent assumed that I wanted travel insurance for an additional 27.50. Not on your Nellie the Lock Ness monster, I thought. Who needs travel insurance for a holiday in Britain? The National Health Service is free and in an emergency, my son could drive up and bring us home.

Later in the relaxing setting of my sitting room I got to thinking ..

Holiday misfortunes don't only happen abroad. So with my pessimistic hat on, I made a note of the risks:

Some rotter might steal our luggage

Last week I bought an all singing and dancing digital camera especially for the trip. Got it on the Internet. I might lose it whilst away.

If either of us were hospitalised we wouldn't want to be marooned on Skye. We'd want to transfer to our local hospital in Warwickshire.

My wife's parents are getting on. God forbid, but I'd have to cancel the holiday if something happened to them just before we're due to go.

One of us could be taken ill before we depart and we'd be forced to cancel. As the ferries and the hotels were non-cancellable, we'd lose everything we'd paid.

There may be a major delay at the ferry going over to the Isle of Lewis. Besides the inconvenience, we have to arrange an extra overnight stay on Skye.

One of us might be called up for jury service.


Then it struck me. If I were holidaying in the Britain, my existing Home and Contents policy might cover me for loss of my camera or luggage. I dug out the policy document. Lucky I did. I was only insured for personal possessions if they were listed and as I'd just bought my digital camera I hadn't got round to listing it as a valuable item on my policy.

Another aspect struck me. I'd lose my no claims discount if I made a holiday related claim on my Home & Contents policy. That wouldn't be a good idea. I've got a ten year claims free record that policy and it still cost me 310 a year. I jotted down a another note remember, when the policy comes up for renewal, see if I could get it cheaper on the Internet.

By now a travel policy at 27.50 for was looking worthwhile after all.

Now my wife says I'm a bit of an old skin flint. So keep up the image! I know, get back online and check out the travel agents' policy at 27.50. Is it competitive?

Not all the web sites I surfed could offer me a single trip travel policy for a holiday within the UK but within ten minutes I'd found what I wanted - and a saving of over 10!

Time to study the small print to confirm I had the cover I wanted. Great, all the risks I had noted were covered. The insurer would even pay out 30 if my ferry was delayed for up to 12 hours and then give me the option to cancel my trip to the Isle of Lewis and get my money back.

Now what wouldn't they pay for? I wasn't covered if my holiday was for less than two nights or my hotel was less than 25 miles away from home. I also had to meet the first 30 of any claim. Seemed fair to me.

The decision was made. Simply type in my credit card details and I was insured in a CLICK.

Peace of mind restored!


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D vitamin

A Guide to the D Vitamin

The D vitamin is the only vitamin that is not obtained from foods that are consumed. Instead, the D vitamin is actually obtained by sunlight on the skin. There has been a lot of media coverage about the dangers of getting too much sun but it is essential that the skin is exposed to sunlight to obtain the recommended daily allowance of the D vitamin. In reality, the amount of time that a person has to spend in the sun to receive a sufficient dose of the D vitamin is extremely small and just a few minutes a day will be sufficient and not have any adverse effects from the amount of ultra-violet light received.

The most important function of the D vitamin is to help control how much calcium is absorbed from food. The majority of the calcium is used to build strong teeth and bones but it is also needed to send messages along the nerves and to help muscles, such as the heart muscles, to contract. It is the D vitamin that ensures that there is always sufficient calcium in the blood to p


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Czech republic investment property

czech republic investment property

Since the Czech Republic joined the EU in May 2004, it has attracted more and more investment to the country. So in 2007, is the market still viable for those searching for a Czech Republic investment property?

investment real estate,investment homes,investment mortgage,investment

Since the Czech Republic joined the EU in May 2004, it has attracted more and more investment to the country. So in 2007, is the market still viable for those searching for a Czech Republic investment property?

According to the Czech Statistical Office, records for the first six months of the year indicate that the Czech Republic is enjoying a prosperous 2007, and overall confidence in the economy reached a record level in August. Alongside the healthy economy, the country is also seeing an increase in consumer spending, which is good news for the property market and good news for those wishing to buy a Czech Republic investment property.

Most investment is focused on Prague, a central destination that is easy to get to with cheap daily flights. Prices for apartments in Prague are increasing at 20 percent per year with gross rental yields currently around 7.5 to 8.5 percent. The average investor has been buying their Czech Republic investment property for around 150,000 in the capitals top locations, Prague districts 1 to 5. But this city has prices to suit all pockets from 30,000 to hundreds of thousands of pounds. PragueProperty4Less currently has five city developments with apartments available across the 39,200 to 250,000 range. They anticipate a capital appreciation of over 10 percent a year for the next five years.

For those searching for a low-budget, buy-to-let Czech Republic investment property, brand-new property will soon be available in the second largest city, Brno. Prices here are about two-thirds of those in Prague, and as the economy has strengthened, the area has attracted much regeneration. There are several projects underway, including two city centre developments with units starting at 28,000 and 39,500, both due for completion in Spring 2008. And a family friendly development complete with playground and pond, with units from 30,000, due for completion in 2009.

Prague is still the tourist hotspot for a Czech Republic investment property but investments in the world-class golf and ski resorts outside the city are also worth a look. With a golf revival in full swing, property at the Obora Golf Village at the Monachus golf resort is one prospect for a Czech Republic investment property. Units currently available include three bungalows, ranging in price from 146,200 to 212,200, and three villas, from 171,700 to 228,400. Or you may choose to invest in the thriving ski resorts. The Krkonose region, also known as the Giant Mountains, encompasses many towns and resorts with potential for a Czech Republic investment property. Situated close to the ski lifts in Rokytnice nad Jizerou, three apartments are currently available ranging in price from 51,000 to 65,000. There is also a range of property for sale in the Giant Mountain resor

As the country enjoys one of the best economic growth rates in the EU, much of the county is benefiting from major regeneration projects, giving those wishing to purchase a Czech Republic investment property much greater choice. Central Bohemia is one such area and, located 30km southwest of Prague, youll find the town of Beroun. Those who bought a Czech Republic investment property last year in the Beroun district have already seen the value of their property rise by 20 percent. Property is currently available in the northwest area of Beroun at The Bakery, a modern refurbishment of an old bakery building. Enfield-based company Trojans International is offering 38 units at The Bakery priced from just 20,000 and due for completion in September this year.

With continued regeneration and economic success, the figures are still making sense for those looking for a Czech Republic investment property.and in the family-friendly Sumava region.

As the country enjoys one of the best economic growth rates in the EU, much of the county is benefiting from major regeneration projects, giving those wishing to purchase a Czech Republic investment property much greater choice. Central Bohemia is one such area and, located 30km southwest of Prague, youll find the town of Beroun. Those who bought a Czech Republic investment property last year in the Beroun district have already seen the value of their property rise by 20 percent. Property is currently available in the northwest area of Beroun at The Bakery, a modern refurbishment of an old bakery building. Enfield-based company Trojans International is offering 38 units at The Bakery priced from just 20,000 and due for completion in September this year.

With continued regeneration and economic success, the figures are still making sense for those looking for a Czech Republic investment property.


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Cystic acne serious cures for serious acne

Cystic Acne: Serious Cures for Serious Acne

Cystic acne is a common skin disorder that affects millions worldwide. If you suffer from cystic acne, here are some tips that will help reduce the severity of this skin disorder.

acne, benzoyl peroxide, acne treatment, proactiv, proactive, skin care

Cystic acne is a more advanced case of a pimple. Millions of people around the world have some kind of acne or another, but cystic acne is one of the more severe types out there. It develops from a regular pimple, also known as a pustule, by rooting itself deeper within the skin and forming a painful sore known as a cyst. These cysts can vary in size and color from small and pink to large and a dark purple. In severe cases, multiple cysts in the facial area and on the body can be extremely painful.
     While almost everyone is exposed to some kind of acne at some point in his or her life, cystic acne seems to be largely hereditary. If one of your parents had or has cystic acne, there is a higher percent chance that you will be exposed to some form of it as well. On the face may be the worst, but cystic acne can form on other parts of the body also. It commonly appears on the chest, legs, neck, shoulders, and back. These cysts can be covered by clothes, but be cautious: tight-fitting clothing can further irritate and dry out the skin, leading to more painful cysts. It is a good idea to try and wear loose fitting clothing when suffering from bodily acne.
     When a person is going through a cycle of cystic acne, they can often be desperate for a fast cure. One of the known medications found to be effective for severe cystic acne is Isotretinoin. It is found in the prescription drug Accutane and is a concentrated form of Vitamin A. While it is proven to be effective in severe cases of acne, Accutane should be used as a last resort because of its side effects. In pregnant women, it has been known to cause birth defects and even possible miscarriages. Women who are prescribed Accutane are required to also use two forms of birth control to prevent conception.
     If you are a woman, you may want to consider a product that is still effective without being quite so potent. Many women have found success with deep cleaners such as Neutrogena or <a href=>Proactiv solution</a> , products that contain higher levels of benzoyl peroxide, a substance proven to be safe for pregnant women to use. Another advantage of trying other products before seeing a dermatologist is the cost, as consulting a physician can very often be pretty expensive. It may be cheaper to find out that a treatment available without a prescription worked as well as a cure that required a doctor visit.
     Whatever treatment you decide is best for yourself, remember that cystic acne can be overcome. There are many treatments available and you may not find the most effective one right at first. Talking to a physician or dermatologist may be able to point you in the right direction on your way to a clearer complexion.


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Cybersquatting and your domain name

Cybersquatting and Your Domain Name

When it comes to domain names, don't think that you only need to worry about the ones that you registered. This is because with the phenomenon of cybersquatting, domain names that are similar to your company's trademark could be registered to unscrupulous webmasters, intending to use them in bad faith. What happens is once the cybersquatter has gotten sales or Adsense clicks from their domain name, they will try to sell it to the original entity holding the trademark. When things get to this point, the price is significantly higher, sometimes even thousands of dollars. This is despite the fact that the individual or organization buying the domain name originally had the rights to it in the first place.

So, how does a company protect themselves from cybersquatting? Well, first they need to be aware of whether or not domain names related to their trademark are being registered and used in bad faith. The best way to do this is to sign up for Google Alerts. This is a service that allows individuals or organizations to track any websites, comments, articles, etc. that are being made about their website or brand.

If they receive an alert that shows a domain name that is similar to their trademark, they could be dealing with a potential cybersquatter. The keyword of course is 'potential.' The person may not have any intention on selling the domain name back, though they are still using it in an illegal manner.

Either way, website owners can exercise their right to an arbitration proceeding if they found their trademark has been used in bad faith. The type of arbitration proceeding that is the most common for domain name disputes is called Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. This process can allow disputes to be settled out of court through an ICANN-approved UDRP provider. The decisions made through the UDRP panel are legally binding, though they can be challenged in a traditional courtroom if either party thinks things are unfair.

Another way companies can avoid cybersquatting is by trying as best they can to register any domain names relating to their trademark. This would include obvious derivatives where their whole trademark is included, as well as more creative derivatives where only a part of the trademark is used. If a company finds they are having difficulties coming up with different domain name combinations on their own, they can use a domain name generator. They should use both automated domain name generators as well as those in which a human comes up with the different combinations. In either case they need to think of combinations for all types of extensions, even free ones such as .tk or .co.nr.

In conclusion, no one should have to succumb to a cybersquatter. Too much money and work goes into building a brand to have to spend thousands to a shady webmaster. Instead, website owners should be aware of how their trademark is being used. If there is a problem they can consider a UDRP proceeding. In the meantime they need to try to get as many domain names containing their trademark as possible, so cybersquatters won't have an opportunity to do their dirty work.


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Cyberspace on aisle five

Cyberspace on Aisle Five

It doesnt take a lot of research to find out that in this day and age, virtually every business of any real size has developed some form of internet presence. Now, for many businesses, that may mean little more than an online business card that can be used to get the phone number and store location of the business into the mind of the prospective customer. But in this new century, the idea of having a business without a corresponding web page to support it is pretty much out of the question.

But if you look at the two business worlds, the internet business environment and that outside of cyberspace, there are some pretty big differences. While many companies like bookstores or concert ticket promoters have learned to build what might be viewed as parallel universes in which their business operations are just as sophisticated online as outside of cyberspace, other businesses have just not found that balance.

But as the legitimacy of the internet as a valid marketplace and business tool becomes more understood, more and more businesses are learning that cyberspace can become another valuable part of an overall marketing plan that drives business to the store shelves directly from their internet web presence.

So just as that billboard or newspaper coupon program are just as much part of the businesses corporate plan, that online effort out there in on the corporate web site can become a vital part of the stores operation so much so that the store manager will come to depend on the sales driven by the internet. To that store manager they will look for cyberspace on aisle five as a vital part of their plan for business success.

There is a systematic process that businesses go through to use the internet as a way of capturing web traffic and turning it into store traffic. Make no mistake, there is one principle that should seem evident but is the key to turning cyber visitors to in store shoppers and that is that Internet Shoppers are People Too!

When a businessperson looks at those strange internet traffic reports that show that they web site has X number of hits and that Z number of web browsers went to Y number of web pages, all of that cyberspace mumbo jumbo just means that X number of PEOPLE were on your web site and looked at Y number of products or web page advertisements or services. And those PEOPLE are the same living and breathing humans who will walk in the front door of your store and buy products and services from you.

All we need to do is devise methods to drive those internet shoppers off of their computers and into the businesses retail operations. And more and more you are seeing a businesses trend of internet promotions that are geared to put the customers feet down in the retail space. Some great methods for doing that are

* Online coupons that can be redeemed only in the retail store.
* Online sales that can be picked up in the store. Many online shoppers might prefer to have the product shipped to them. So you will have to sweeten the pot by making shipping charges out of the question or by adding a promotion if the customer picks up his or her purchase in person.
* Contests. Need we say more?
* By promoting special events that will occur in the store. You can stage a major cyberspace promotional campaign for a book signing of an author or celebrity that will occur live at the store itself. The costs of the promotion and having the in store event will be offset by the increased sales.

If your web site routinely uses promotions that result in positive incentives to the customer to come to the store, before long a customer base of loyal consumers will get used to first going online to see what this weeks big deal is and then going to the store to cash in. That kind of ongoing momentum is what makes such a synergy such a success and what makes even customers come to your retail outlet and look for cyberspace on aisle five.


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