الاثنين، 14 مارس 2011

What exactly is dealer invoice

What Exactly Is Dealer Invoice?

To say this term is a bit misunderstood is a rather large understatement. Maybe thats why it works so good for the folks in the marketing department. Many potential car buyers assume that what they uncover on the internet is the car dealers invoice price.

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My first answer to that would be who really knows? Its a very elusive term thrown around by about all the car manufacturers and car dealers marketing departments. You know after many years in the business, Im not sure I could tell you precisely what true dealer invoice or what is termed dead cost is on any particular vehicle. Im sure the owner or the ownership group could somehow calculate this elusive dollar figure but most of us humans will continue to search for the ever elusive animal we refer to as dealer invoice.

To say this term is a bit misunderstood is a rather large understatement. Maybe thats why it works so good for the folks in the marketing department. Many potential car buyers assume that what they uncover on the internet is the car dealers invoice price. Well, not really. Its certainly one heck of a lot closer than checking the MSRP of a give vehicle, but it probably isnt going to be dead cost.

You hear it all the time. In fact right here where Im at there is a local dealer


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