الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012

Now what s really important

Now whats really important?

Bipolar sufferers in Australia receive less health funding than the average person despite the huge costs of the disorder to the individual.

bipolar disorder, manic depression, mental health, funding

I happened to be talking to my local politician before Christmas because a fine website on depression, was about to lose funding for its crucial 24 hour support forums as a result of failure by the Australian government to fund its programs.

So I pinged the pollies and Bill, my local politician, wanted to chat. The one illuminating aspect of our 45 minute conversation was that it was very hard (for politicians) to decide what other health programs should be cut in order to increase funding for mental health because of myriad vested interests.

Watching news reports around the world and back home I see similar difficulties arising. It is somewhat reminiscent of the Yes Minister dilemmas that Sir Humphrey Appleby would put to his boss, thereby stymieing him every time.

Just last week in South Australia an identical furore erupted. There, the government was brave (or hassled) enough to announce increasedRecommended For You

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